Complications of placing a reamed nail in the tibia

Unreamed Nails
Due to the good results of unreamed nails in open tibial fractures, their use is becoming widespread in closed tibial diaphysis fractures. Several complications have been reported with these nails: breakage of locking screws, vicious consolidation, breakage of the nail and patellar femoral pain have been the most frequently observed.
Many workers observed a higher incidence of complications in unreamed nails than inreamed nails. Consolidation time was shorter in unreamed nails and complications, such as breakage of locking screws and vicious joints, were significantly more numerous in the unreamed group. Other authors found a higher incidence of pseudoarthrosis and patellofemoral pain in unreamed tibia nails than inreamed ones. Consolidation time was significantly longer.

The breakage of locking screws reported by several authors is between 12 and 20 percent. In our case it was 6.4 percent. This complication could be avoided or its incidence reduced by delaying the load until the dynamization of the nail.
We have frequently observed femoropatellar pain. Other surgeons also observed this complication more frequently in non-drilled nails than in drilled ones. This may be due to the fact that the entry point is quite high and when the nail is dynamized it protrudes proximally causing irritation of the patellar tendon.
A higher incidence of pseudoarthrosis has also been found in unreamed nails than inreamed nails. Consolidation time was also longer. It is advisable to dynamize the nail before twelve weeks. We believe it is advisable to dynamize the nail between the sixth and twelfth weeks.

Other complications
Intraoperative complications, such as posterior cortex rupture, could be avoided by well-selecting the elavo entry point and placing the knee in flexion greater than 90°. The nail should also be inserted as parallel as possible to the tibia. There have also been reports of comminution of the proximal tibia during surgery.
Other complications may include pulmonary embolism, deep and superficial infections, compartment syndromes, peroneal nerve involvement and deep vein thrombosis. We think that some of the complications derived from the use of this nail can be avoided by using it correctly and knowing its characteristics and limitations.
Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon

Firma diseñada por @themonkeyzuelans, contáctalos vía Discord "themonkeyzuelans#9087"
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And apart from that even often the patient categorie is younger with a crapstrong cortex which is already challenging to enter, let along not reaming..
The removal of these nails....thats always a rush of testosteron to get the strength going to hammer them out
Sometimes it's easier to put a non-rimmed nail in a wide channel that allows that, sometimes not. In any case it is necessary to avoid to rhyme for excess and if it is made never to use tourniquet to avoid even more severe injuries. Thank you very much for your comment my beautiful nurse :-*
Hi @drmaizo,
Your posts are excellent and I love orthopedic surgery. You do an extraordinary job.
Do you know @steemstem? I'm surprised I can't see the tag. Do no hesitate if you have any questions.
Hello @corsica, if I know @steemstem, for a while I was labeling them without good results. Thank you very much for your comment, I'm glad you like orthopedic surgery, you are invited to read all my post. It's my passion and my life. Which fills me with satisfaction every day.
What's wrong, Doctor? Why did you label @steemstem without good results? Can you please be more elaborate?
Thanks, Doc.
By the way, your post is very expository and interesting. I'm getting to fall in love with orthopaedic surgery; all thanks to you.
Thank you very much for your comment, I am completely to order for any doubt in my area, the truth I have no complaint of #steemstem. I just think they have a dynamic maybe a little different to the style of my post. :)
U're welcome, @drmaizo. I think the only thing you need to add aside from using the #steemstem tag is to reference your post. I guess that's one of their style that's absent in your post.
Thank you very much @emperorhassy :)
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