Finished Puppets - update Nº 13 Puppets in the community PROJECT

Finished Puppets - update Nº 13 Puppets in the community PROJECT

Welcome to this thirteenth update of the Puppets in the community PROJECT, which aims to train children in the wonderful and magical art of puppet theater, as well as in the education of the Blockchain and ecological education.

Today I am very excited, I could not wait to finish some daily tasks to sit back and write this new update of the project puppets in the community, today is a very special day, the children are practicing the play and one of the representative's design and manufacture the costumes for the puppets.

From the beginning I was aware that the children would not be involved in the making of the costumes, even so, I explained the simplest way to do it, for them we used fabric that was recycled, literally pieces of fabric that served perfectly to make the costumes.

In days past the children finally finished making the heads of the puppets, now we only have to build the theater or scenic box and finish the preliminary practices for the later assembly of the play. One of the things that worried me the most was the making of the costumes of the dolls since we did not have enough fabric, but it has served to make each one of the costumes without any type of problems.

For this update I made a selection of children to be portrayed with their dolls completely finished, it only remains to adjust some details so that the dolls adapt to the hands of children, what we commonly call in theater adaptation phase, have also had difficulties with holding the arm a long time in the air, have suffered some discomfort in the shoulders but it is completely normal because they had never been in contact with this type of techniques, it will only be a matter of time for them to get used.

As I mentioned in the last update, will be presented 02 puppet plays, one related to ecology, and another related to the Blockchain, also extended the schedule more due to some problems that have arisen in the country with the political issue of which I will not mention because it is not the intention, I just comply with reporting in the most transparent way as things have been happening in the workshop, which serves as a documentary or as a diary.

I am also looking forward to the next workshop that I will hold in another community in the city, I need to continue raising funds and any kind of help can be beneficial to children like the ones you are observing in these photographs, the culture in Venezuela and anywhere in the world is the most important thing, in addition the children are learning multiple things, they are learning about Blockchain, they are learning ecology, and a lot of techniques that can keep them away from violence, to open the way to liberating knowledge that anyone can find in art. This is what I do, and since then my mission has been to involve others in this same direction.

So don't forget to support this cause that will show a better future for the children of Venezuela, then I plan to go through each country of South America with the same workshop, together we can make this a reality, it's just a matter of knowing and trusting the project.

To read all about this project and find out how you can support it, visit it at simply by clicking on the link: Puppets in the community PROJECT and be sure to check steemit's profile @arrozymangophoto

Thank you for reading

Special recognition to:

@chbarist I invite you to visit this blog, which will serve my Venezuelan brothers very much to grow in the

community. currently is a witness of the community

@r2cornell another great user who donates to important projects like @aid.venezuela

@mariusfebruary Great defender of various causes in the steemit community

@canadian.coconut Concerned about human rights and bringing that voice to the chain of blocks.

@flamingirl Great promoter of the steem Blockchain in Spain


It is great to watch the progress of this project.

"Great job" to all the children. You can see the pride of accomplishment in their eyes and faces. This has been great to watch it unfold!

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