Brain Areas and Lesions

Credit: The Digital Artist - Pixabay


The brain forms part of our central nervous system and it is one of the most important organs or structures within our body. This is because of the function it plays, basically the brain makes us who we are, in terms of skill, function, ability, adaptability, living etc.

The autonomic function of your brain ensures that all activities within your system are well coordinated and are function accordingly as expected. The voluntary part of your brain allows you to do what you put your mind to. For instance you wanting to look somewhere, or to start running, to kick a ball etc. It is important however that we do understand these two functional capabilities of the brain is not mutually exclusive.

Brain Areas

Some claim that man as a specie is not using the full capacity of the brain and that we are probably using even less than 10% whereas others also claim we are using more and even pushing ourselves to great limit. Whichever the case may be, the brain has designated areas that scientist have been able to map and study over the years. Let's take a quick look at some of these areas, especially those associated with the our special senses and then we would move one to some of the bad things that happens to them.

The Brain can be divided into the cerebrum, the cerebellum and the midbrain. At the level of the Cerebrum we can look at the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, temporal lobe and occipital lobe. Basically the frontal lobe is associated with voluntary activities, the occipital lobe is associated with vision, parietal and temporal lobes are associated with sensation processing and perception.

In Visual Perception we look at Broadmann areas 17,18,19 with 17 been the primary visual cortex and 18 and 19 been the secondary visual cortex. In Auditory Perception we look at Broadmann areas 41 and 41 as primary auditory cortex and area 22 as secondray auditory cortex. Areas 45 (Broca's Area) and 44 is responsible speech. Broadmann area 35 helps us to smell and the somatosensory cortex which comprise of broadmann areas 3,1 and 2 help us sense stimuli including touch and pain.

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What happens when somethings goes wrong in the brain or with any of these areas? Most often than not the result is loss of a particular function, but the brain is an enigmatic organ and sometimes does amazing things to compensate for some of these occurrences. But for the purpose of our read today we going to look at some common lesions associated with the already named areas.

Lesion can be described as damage to a tissue or organ. This may occur due to physical or chemical hazard or a disease affliction. A lesion to the frontal lobe of the brain is likely to result in loss of speech (Expressive Aphasia, Broca’s Area, 45), change of personality, difficulty with voluntary eye movement and or difficulty with general voluntary actions.

Lesion at the Occipital lobe (ares 17,18,19) may result in cortical blindness. In this case all ocular systems and structure may be ok and well-functioning however the brain is not able to accept or process that information so the input becomes useless. No feedback from the brain means nothing is been seen. In the case where vision is maintain the individual may suffer from losing some of his visual fields. That is, the person may see things to his right to the neglect of the left or any of the other 4 quadrants of vision.

In the Temporal Lobe where the auditory areas and the wernicke’s area is, a lesion may either cause one to not be able to interpret sound input or have difficulty understanding what is been said (Receptive Aphasia), difficulty reading and or writing sentences (Alexia). Global Aphasia result when both Broca’s Aphasia and Wenicke’s Area are damaged. Agnosia may occur when there is a damage to the somatosensory cortex and Anosmia may occur when there is a damage to area 35.


Causes of Lesions

There are so many possible causes for why these things happen, and whiles some may not be the individuals fault at all, for instance when you are suffering from an autoimmune disease which attacks your brain, or there is an interruption of blood supply to a part of your brain or an already existing pathology causing more problems, bad habits and behavior may also put us at risk and serve as causative factors for these happenings. Lesions may also be cause by bacterial, protozoa, viruses or fungi.

Preventive Measures

There are no specific ways to keep your brain healthy and safe from these misfortunes but simple act of good eating habits, good social habits, avoiding potentially damaging situations such as throwing stones, messing around with guns etc could go a long way to keep you safe. Avoid hitting the head of your as a form of punishment since it could have detrimental effect on his or her brain health and seek regular medical checkups.


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