Ithaqa Graphic Novel Fundition Update #3 Fundition Woes And Workaround


So fundition just accidentally deleted a post I spent an hour on because once you click "next step", it seems like you can't go back and edit your post. You must commit to posting it, and then edit it after it is published. This post is an attempt at trying something new, to work around that problem.

Instead of updating through fundition I'm attempting to update on steemit via the tag they provide.

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Fundition based updates were a little annoying because they don't show you a preview, and because they often couldn't seem to detect when I was tagging other steemit users (as you may have noticed in yesterdays update). If this post works, and manages to contribute to the fundition campaign tally, I would highly recommend doing your own fundition posts within the steemit app.

You get more control over which tags you use and you won't delete an entire post accidentally... This after all, is an experiment, and hopefully my struggles will make it easier for other people down the line to fund their art too!

Anyhoo, real quick, just wanted to say that I'm looking at ways to make this campaign more dynamic and interactive so I want to introduce guest posting at certain funding % intervals. Like, let's say at 10% funding intervals we release some guest art by @bryan-imhoff and we spend a whole update featuring him as an artist.

Anyone who guest posts on this campaign's behalf will get half of the SBD the post receives, so this could also be a way for an unknown but talented minnow to reach a new group of people and make some decent steem. Maybe we could even cajole @la-fumettista into doing some custom art for the bigger milestones if it means her making a little extra SBD on the side! So please comment in this post if you would like to do a guest post, or know someone who might!

Additionally I'm looking into the possibility of doing some kind of weekly or monthly contest to keep people engaged and excited. I'm mulling over some thoughts, but if you have any of your own feel free to post your thoughts in the comments. I'm thinking something like that old steemit RPG that used to be fun to play. People pick a character and mention it in the comments. Then I could use a RNG to simulate a d20 dice roll, pit two players against eachother and see who wins. Resteeming gives you a bonus roll, and then I provide some flavor text + 100% upvotes to the winners.

So with that said, here are our current rankings:

Most Votes

  1. @serious.noel - 5 upvotes
  2. @Enternamehere - 4 upvotes
  3. @Bryan-imhoff - 3 upvotes
  4. @Katharsisdrill - 3 upvotes
  5. @steevc - 3 upvotes
  6. @katamori - 3 upvotes

Most SBD Value Contributed:

  1. @eeks - $21.95
  2. @kommienezuspadt - $4.96
  3. @Bryan-imhoff - $1.98
  4. @neoxian - $1.75
  5. @Vermillionfox - $0.83

Don't forget that there are special rewards for being on these leaderboards. If you finish the campaign on the most upvotes section, you will receive up to the "High Priest" reward tier. That means you'll get 8 pages of the comic for free, special thanks on our website, and an exclusive digital poster.

If you are on the "most contributed" leaderboard you will be a part of "The Council of Five", who will get to help decide what special gifts everyone will receive for us meeting our goals. Will it be another piece of custom art, original Call of Cthulhu scenarios written by me? Who knows!?

So far we've raised around $37 out of $1,000, which means we'restill almost 5% of the way to funding this comic! As per Bryan's suggestion I am using to tally the values for all this

If you have any friends or family who might be interested in a Lovecraftian horror comic, please send them to our website to sign up for some free pages!

Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages every day.


Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Sign up to buy the comic on our website:

Twitter: @IthaqaComic


So an update:

Using the tag fundition-t2b3d2ijh in a steemit post links any steemit post to the fundraising page. This is great, because it means anyone using that tag (even independently of me) could raise money for the project.

It also means I have the freedom to make updates that can be targeted to specific steemittags, like contests or whatnot

I believe the tag does allow you to post from anywhere, it even opens up the possibility of fundraising videos on dTube and dLive, etc. However I don't think the funds will get to you (at least automatically) if other people use the tag unless you've enabled "collaborators" on your project. I'm not 100% on how that all works...
The Fundition team is active and helpful in the Discord channel. I commented a bit about my interaction with them on your last update regarding the Fundition display not keeping the $ tally correctly.

I gotta get in on that then... right now the website doesn't even list a dollar amount raised when I look at it.

Thanks for talking with them on my behalf though!

Here via @kommienezuspadt ’s resteem, happy to have found another comics lover/creator! Followed.

Welcome aboard man! Glad to meet you :)

Yissssss, looking forward to those 8 free pages :D

Whatever e-mail you want me to send them to, drop it here:

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