3 Ways Fundition.io Is Solving The Crowdfunding Landscape Problems...

in #fundition-io6 years ago (edited)

I have seen and read people suffer raising money for their business or charities....I have read countless stories of hardship and struggle in this regard of raising funds.

In this post today i will be talking of a new way called crowd-funding that helps a big number of people contribute to your cause or charity.I will not only talk about mere crowd funding,i will talk of a new revolutionary method of raising money without any hustles,this new way is through Fundition.io

I will describe the traditional(centralized) way of crowd funding an then the real way through Fundition.io

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet -from Wikipedia

As you can read from the Wikipedia definition above,it involves many people contributing a small amount of money to a common cause either charity,NGO,education cause or even a business!

Image Source

Challenges Facing Centralized Crowdfunding

There are really many challenges faced b the over 300 crowdfunding platforms world over,these include Kicstarter,Indiegogo,Gofundme,Rockethub and many others.

I will state below the challenges faced b people while using these platforms and later on explain the solution Fundition.io brings to the game!

  1. Pressure on deadlines
  2. Broken Promises
  3. Taxes/fees

1. Pressure on deadlines

some of these platforms put so much pressure on the owners of the projects that the cause will not be funded unless the target amount is reached on the stated date!

Let me give an example,if the project goal is 50,000 $(target amount) to be reached on 31/Dec/2018(deadline date). The platform will not release the collected funds if the 50k$ target is not met by 31/Dec/2018!!!!!

This has made many people to set small "realistic goals" which they are sure it will be reached! It is really annoying to work day in day out spreading our campaign to all social media outlets on the Internet and it fails to reach the target and worse still you cannot claim even the collected amount!

2. Broken Promises

Another challenge is failure for the crowdfunding platform to offer protection to the backers! THere are scenarios where life happens and the project is not successful and the founders disappear!

This can really hurt the backers who wanted to know the progress of the project,there is no clear way of tracking the founders or interacting with them.

3. Taxes/fees

I have to openly say that all traditional crowdfunding platforms collect fees for using their services,this in-turn makes the founders/owners of the projects to receive a percentage of the amount collected!

I have an image here below of these fees to give you a clear view!

Image Source

Enter Fundition.io

What is Fundition?

Fundition is a next-generation, decentralized, peer-to-peer crowdfunding and collaboration platform, built on the Steem blockchain. Our aim is to replace old centralized models (such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo, Patreon, or GoFundMe), and offer a way for individuals and organizations to either fundraise for, or give to meaningful projects.

The Fundition platform gives users many benefits, including access to the large base of Steem apps users, which is growing exponentially each month, and merit-based upvotes within that system that translate into real currency. Backers are also rewarded for giving, and the gamification within our platform will provide interaction and a revenue stream for all involved parties (no matter how small).

Sourced from Fundition purplepaper

I will summarize for you what Fundition.io stands for

  • Decentralized
  • Built on Steem Blockchain
  • Backers are rewarded for giving!

How Fundition.io Addresses The Challenges Above Brought by Traditional Crowdfunding


The great news is that Fundition.io charges zero fees,yes you read that right! If you remember from the definition above,Fundition is decentralized hence eliminating all those middlemen fees.

Let clarify more,the zero fees applies to both the backers(who give to the project) as well as the founders(who own the project)!

2.Broken Promises

I remember stating that in traditional platform,chances are slim you can chat up the founder of the project!

In Fundition.io,the project can be tracked by the public and all is visible on the blockchain.You can even easily contact any of the founders if you really want to through the peer-to-peer approach.

3.Pressure on deadlines

Here on Fundition.io whether you have collected 30% of the total project cost,you can access it without any hindrance unlike in some centralized crowdfunfing platforms.

I am really excited about this venture by Funditio.io by rewarding even the backers of projects as this will encourage more people to give to charity.

The reasons above will and are already making Fundition stand out of the crowdfunding landscape.

If you want to learn more about Funditio.io,check out these links below.


Jarau Moses


Thank you @jaraumoses.

Thank you for being a loyal Funditian and helping spread the voice of Fundition all around, we really appreciate your efforts to try and promote Fundition. As a token of our gratitude, please accept this upvote from us. Take care and keep spreading the word about Fundition whenever you can, so, we can grow and help as many people as possible. We wish you all the best.

If you are reading this and you aren’t the author of this post, what are you waiting for, Join Fundition and let’s together make a change, a change that will make this World Better even Amazing !

Fundition is a next-generation, decentralized, peer-to-peer crowdfunding and collaboration platform, built on the Steem blockchain.

Read the full details of Fundition Fund program

Learn more about Fundition by reading our purplepaper

Join a community with heart based giving at its core

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