Romanian dirty lingo inside!!

in #fun7 years ago

WARNING: This post contains swearing! Romanian swearing but still...

Romanians talk a lot about "pula". I'm serious, everyone - women, men, old man and older women, even kids - you will hear them say "pula mea" for no reason at all, like just a good way to end a sentence or start it or fill a blank space.


What it means is..literally "MY PENIS!"...or "MY DICK!". I do not kid, people say this so much that is has no meaning's a bit like "fuck".
FUCK used to be a bad words, an act, something that people used to describe something very specific but now is a word that can mean anything depending on the context. "pula mea" or, in writing very often used as "pm", is exactly the same.

P M!!

Let me give you a few examples. The English part is obviously said in Romanian as well but I'll write it in English for better understanding.

If you really want to swear at someone you say:

Go in "pula mea". Which is something like "fuck off!"

If you are amazed at something you can say:

How the "pula mea"?!. Which can mean "How the FUCK?!..".

If you are annoyed at someone a Romanian might say:

*What the "pula mea" do you want?". Which can mean What the FUCK do you want?!.

But the most bizarre thing is that people just use it with no good reason. A guy talking about literally anything will just add some "pula mea" just because.
"I went to IKEA and pula mea there was a line so what could I do? Pula mea, just waited and played on my phone..."
And someone would say:
"Pula mea, that's life!".

It's so weird for an outsider at first but then you just use it like a joke. A friend of mine just used it in the best way possible today. We were talking about something and he said ( note that the is not Romanian so that's what makes it funnier):

You gotta kick life in the pulla!.



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