Some Saturday fun: Where you draw the line?

in #fun7 years ago


As this is slightly offensive, maybe hurting some feelings, maybe funny, I thought I'd just drop it into my blog, because THIS represents me A LOT ... (15 years ago ;-) because NOW I am happily married and would never again pretend to be vegan)
Just found this while strolling around in the WWW and I don't claim this to be my work, just laughed a lot about it.

You can use the upper part of the pic to draw your own line...

THX for reading!



Hey, I found it funny. However, I can't see the camel. So, here I'm just helping to fill in the blank:

That's a good point. I heard it to be delicious. And it is quite far away from a "nothing-burger".

Heheheh LOL. your draw is funny but correct. One thing is missing in the picture that is donkey it should be considered in economic crisis. I can be wrong. What You think. ??

I heard fresh monkey brain is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world... this is where I would put in a BIG red line ;-)

Hehe, Can I know where is it considered?

I would put it between dog and rabbit

The chicken and the cow are gonna eat for me.

that seems representative of where a lot of people might draw the lines...perhaps they should have mixed the animals up a bit to make their point! I forgot to mention that you are in my latest steemfest video....just in the background with a camera, but I think its a significant enough cameo to be worth informing you of.....I look forward to the day when I get round to editing your evil vape voice! Hope you're well my friend :) x basil

Looking forward to that one since MONTHS!

So funny but so real too, i just eat pork, chicken and fish so i would have to draw 2 lines hehehe. Regards

It is something that are genuine and in your life, and that is likewise a clever one.

I'd draw the line before carnivores.

On a second thought: Shark's delicious ...

was about to mention fish... ;-)

I like also horse and rabbit meat and I think they are pretty expensive compared to chicken :)

me2 (I think, I used that the wrong way... sorry)
I used to like horse (In France you get a lot of that... ) but I don't like it too much anymore. And about rabbits... I am always thinking that I am eating my cats... (As you know in Germany cats are called "roof-rabbits")

Rabbits have two types of meat. Wild ones have red meat, domesticated white. Cats, I would draw a line there as I think that that meat is not so good. What was the most strange meat you have eaten? I did some aligators when I leaved in New Orleans (now I see that a lot of my life I've been in places where French people are)

haha! lol Very funny! What are Vegan Chicks going to do in economic crisis? Maybe they will eat grass from the lawn, if all those fruity goods are not imported any longer or the US-Dollars has no buying power.

Chicks well be eaten ... just saying ;-)

LOL. Good joke for vegetarians. :-)

But not for some politicians, they would take it too serious. You would not believe, this Turkish politician in Germany, suggesting human flesh as the best for eating. The most sweet and tasty, he says: (german language video. Unfortunately no satire!)

Video: YouTube(tm) Türkischer Politiker - Menschenfleisch essen ist gesund

"Puffhausfrau" verstaatlichen rofl... ich glaub da ist die Sprachbarriere ein ziemlich großer Einfluss gewesen. Hat wohl auch ein bissi zuviel "Soylent Green" (1973) geguckt...

Ja, krasser Typ. url-parameter ?t=5m27s funktioniert leider nicht. sorry, das ist dann zu zeitaufwendig. Die fragliche Stelle beginnt bei Minute 5:27 (falls es ein Leser ansehen will)

hahaha nice to be see your line which you drawn and specially in horse and cow
is it two soldiers from oppsite sides
i think i dont need to draw the line because every one is speciall in thier cast

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