The Great Pyramid: Will The New Discovery Validate Any of These Fun, Out-There Theories? (Part 3 of 3)

in #fun7 years ago (edited)

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this series, I discussed both my fascination with pyramids and two non-mainstream theories related to how the Great Pyramid of Giza may have been built.

Here, in Part 3, my plan is to share some of the more fun, out-there theories related to what the Giza Pyramid may have been built for -- if you don't buy the mainstream Egyptologist suggestion that it was a royal tomb.

Again, I have no interesting in convincing you any of these theories are correct.  I'm simply filtering down the many I've watched and sharing with you the more intriguing ones -- along with a grading scale meant to give you a better sense of what's within and what might be worth your time.


1) Presentation.  Are the ideas clear?  Are there too many jumps in logic?  Was it not researched well?

2) Entertainment Value.  Did I enjoy watching it?  Did it hold my attention?  Was I bored?  

3) Believability.  Did I finish the video convinced or not?

4) Consensus.  What was my overall take?

So with these in mind, let's get on with the fun, out-there concepts theorizing what the Great Pyramid of Giza may have been actually built for!


It's a bit unfair to batch this video in with the rest considering it's essentially a podcast but I'm doing it anyway.  The gist is... well... here are some of the words used: Wormholes.  Giants.  Astral Plane.  Stargate.  Faster than the speed of light.  Quantum tunneling. 

Presentation: D     (it's just an interview over a single image)

Entertainment Value: C     (it's filled with a lot of wacky, sci-fi type ideas)

Believability: D     (it's pretty out there!)

Consensus: If those buzzwords above float your boat, then this is the video for you.  But it should be obvious that this is about as far-out of a take on what the Giza Pyramid may have been built for as you'll find.


This one leans on heaps of science to suggest the Great Pyramid of Giza was a 'maser' -- defined as:  "a device using the stimulated emission of radiation by excited atoms to amplify or generate coherent monochromatic electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range."  Or, you know, an electrical storage device.

Presentation: B-     (it's essentially a PowerPoint presentation with lots of visual material)

Entertainment Value: C     (it's well laid out but incredibly dry)

Believability: C     (lots of science that makes you feel like you need a degree to debate it)

Consensus: It's a trippy idea that's fun to fall down the rabbit hole with.  But the heavy science that's referenced often confuses more than it helps.  On top of that, it merely suggests the Giza Pyramid was used for nothing more than a energy storage facility -- leaving me doubtful of it as a possibility.


Many of these kinds of theories suggest the Giza Pyramid was an electrical device.  This is influenced by, among other things, the discovery of the Baghdad Battery and the idea that no soot was found in the corridors or tombs hinting that no torches were used for lighting the construction or after (a questioned claim).

In this video, it's suggested that the Giza Pyramid was a physio-electrical device and references Tesla's wireless communication along with the Arc of the Covenant as references to back up the theory.

Presentation: B     (a decently polished, well laid out short)

Entertainment Value: B     (it'll hold your attention, especially if these concepts are new to you)

Believability: C+     (it's short; there're a lot of details to be expanded upon)

Consensus: If the above intrigues you, this is a good introductory video to these kinds of theories.


Through Brian Cox's voice over, this video presents lots of information to back up its fatalist, apocalyptic point of view that the Giza Pyramid is a warning from the past concerning catastrophes that have and still could destroy all of us on this planet.

Presentation: A-     (it's a very well produced, slick video with great animations)

Entertainment Value: B     (again, it's well made and grabs your attention)

Believability: B     (there's a lot of quality material in this)

Consensus: This isn't light watching and comes off as sort-of fear mongering.  Yet, it's incredibly intriguing as it highlights ideas of what contemporary mankind is overlooking relative to its past.


Presentation: A-     (this is a really well thought out and presented video)

Entertainment Value: B+     (I kept waiting for this to fall of the rails;  it never did)

Believability: A-     (I want to see someone test this theory;  James Cameron....?)

Consensus: Without revealing the specifics on what this video suggests the Giza Pyramid was built for, I'll tease it by calling it one of the best theories I've found on this subject.  The author's take is not sci-fi based and surprisingly down to Earth with a very distinct, useful purpose that even people today could empathize with.  


If you are willing to only watch one video from here, make it the 'Agriculture Machine'.  Where as I find the others fun, they often feel like the authors project too much of modern life onto the past.  The fault in lot of those videos -- especially when it comes to the idea that the Giza Pyramid was an electrical device -- is that they assume ancient society lived exactly like we do now -- dependent on electricity. 

The Agriculture Machine theory stands out from the rest in two ways: 1) it unifies our contemporary issues with the ancient past and 2) it gives a logical purpose for the Giza Pyramid as a device.  Both of which may just make you step back and say, "Wait... that sounds possible.  Could that actually work?"

If you have any other theories or videos you want to put out there or share, do so below!


I like the theory of all the world's pyramids being connected in some way as an energy grid. However, Ancient Architects gives good solid reasons for why he thinks it provided water , food and survival.

I think I read in one of the translations of Sumerian tablets that Thoth (Ningishzidda) was responsible for the design.

The Remote Viewing by Farsight Institute on the building of the pyramids was a trip for sure!
Fascinating subject! Thanks for the share!

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