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RE: What I Shared Today on Social Media and Some Thoughts About Protecting the Rewards Pool

in #fun7 years ago

Unfortunately, here on Steemit.., we have discovered that many people lack the character to sustain a totally free and decentralized society (or platform). It reminds me of a quote -- "if men were angels no government would be necessary." -- James Madison. It bugs the hell out of me when I see 4-5 posts by the same account within a few hours (because they know the auto-bots will upvote each one), when it all could have gone into one post -- just milking the rewards pool and then posing as a valuable member of the community. Unlike someone, like yourself, who obviously has a great amount of character and vision, that can see the big picture in lieu of short term gains, by adding value to the platform with quality posts. What people don't seem to understand is, that by acting in such a selfish manor, they are dictating that rules be made to counter-act it.., rules we wouldn't need if people could just act responsibly and honorably.

P.S., adorable kids!


Thanks. :)

Maybe the next level to this is to ask those who autovote what you might consider abuses of the rewards pool and ask them why? The reputation of the voters is on the line as well (to me, more so than the content producers). The voters are the ones who are using their stake to support a short-term approach to the value of the platform. I think authors should be free to do whatever they want and the community shouldn't respond accordingly to protect their investment. It also may mean some of those who believe as you do should save some of their voting strength to downvote those posts with a respectful comment about a disagreement in rewards distribution. If that starts a "flag war" then it further demonstrates how some people don't understand the difference between potential rewards and actual rewards. It's an opportunity for education.

We may not need government, not because people are angels, but because threats of violence aren't very productive or effective long term in a healthy society. Protocols, smart contracts, and engaged stake holders may be enough to make it work.

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