in #fun6 years ago (edited)

Today I was supposed to take my son sliding, but since it was way too cold to stay outside, we decided to have some fun indoors. I let him plan the day and we had a great time together.

First, he cooked breakfast for me as you can see in the photo below. It was a special recipe with a secret ingredient. Later on, he revealed that it was love.


We read a few books and practiced writing and reading new short words on his drawing board.

Then we moved on to drawing and coloring. I enjoyed this activity as I got to do some doodling while he was improving his fine motor skills and handwriting.

Later on, we played with play-doh. This was his favourite part of the day. Kids love play-doh!

We recreated some of his favourite cartoon and book characters.

Then we engaged in pretend play for a while. I always encourage him to use his imagination.

Pretend play builds great learning skills. It enables kids to manage their emotions, solve problems, build self-esteem, understand the power of the language and boosts their creativity.

By pretending to be in someone else's shoes, kids can blend skills and knowledge together.

Today he chose to be the owner of a lollipop shop. It was a great opportunity to recap his counting skills and check his ability of reading social cues, as I played the role of various customers.

Towards the late afternoon we ventured outside for a short walk, as the weather got a bit warmer.

On the way back, I could not help myself from putting a smile upon the windshield and side door of the car.

What about you? How was your day? Did you have any fun today?

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to resteemit or upvote it!
Please leave your feedback in the comments, I would love to hear your thoughts!

@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



This was so nice to read!! I love reading about the activities that parents put together for their kids. I really like all of the creativity you allow your son to experience, it will really benefit him in the long run. What a fun and smart way to spend the day indoors! 😃 I’m a homeschool mom so I am always looking for new fun ways for my kids to stay engaged in learning! Thank you for such a pleasant educational post!

Thank you. I don't always have the time to plan things for him. Sometimes it works for the better because we both need to get creative and crafty and manage to come up with an idea of an activity. He loves it because he gets involved in decision making which makes him feel like a bigger boy. It benefits us both because it helps him learn about challenges and how to embrace change.
Homeschooling is a big commitment. I did give it a
thought but I decided to try regular schooling for a few years first and see how it goes.
What made you chose homeschooling?

That’s really good because being crafty and creative really exercises our minds. It’s great you allow him to be involved with the decision making. I do that as well and it encourages them to want to use their brains even more :)

Homeschooling is a huge commitment and you have to discipline yourself to stay on track. We chose homeschooling because we wanted our kids to have a solid foundation of learning. We feel they indoctrinate children with evolution and other philosophies we do not agree with in public school. We didn’t want to go through correcting all of the false things they learned so instead we decided to just teach them at home. I also love the flexibility of it. We can travel and my children can still learn and not fall behind because I can teach them on the road.

Another reason is because sadly the school districts where we live have went down the drain. The students aren’t learning as they should and the violence that occurs is just crazy outrageous. Starting in elementary, kids are coming home with injuries from fights (kids bringing weapons to school) and we just weren’t gonna have our kids in the mix of that non-sense.

When you are on the road it makes sense to homeschool. I met a lot of families homeschooling their kids. To be honest, most of them have greater knowledge and skills than their peers who were attending regular schools.
Bullying is a serious issue and unfortunately seems to be more and more present within the school. I personally know about a case where a 8 years old got harassed and stabbed with a pencil by one of his classmates. You would expect some drastic measures after having this type of incident, but no. The little aggressor got suspended for a day and then moved to a different schedule, in the afternoon class.

Yes it really is beneficial being able to homeschool if we have to hit the road...they don’t fall behind on their learning. I have been told my kids don’t act like average kids their age. They know how to speak to adults and are not afraid to hold conversations with them. They figure out and learn how to solve things on their own. And because they don’t have that negative influence all day being at a public school they are very well mannered and respectful. Sometimes we have people come up to us in restaurants and say “I don’t know what you’re doing but whatever it is keep it up because I haven’t seen well behaved kids like this in a long time.”

So it shows in their behavior and in their intelligence what one on one teaching really does. They don’t have to fight for a teachers attention or be afraid to raise their hands in class to ask a question because they’re afraid someone will laugh at them. I dealt with all of those things in school and I wanted different for my children.

It’s really sad hearing about that 8 year old. What is a one day suspension going to teach that other kid? It really starts in the home with parenting and discipline. If a parent doesn’t discipline their kids and teach them how to properly behave, why we they listen to a teacher?

I love how involved you are in your child development, it looks like it's fun for both of you. I hope more parents were like this, spending quality time and learning at the same time. He's so lucky to have you (and so are you, he's talented!)

He's a child that will grow filled with love and support and his future surely will be bright.

Thanks for stopping by! I love kids and always been around them. It's a fun environment fostering creativity and laughter. At the end of each day, kids are what matter the most.
Lots of parents make the mistake to believe that education starts and it is done solely at school.

Those cute little hands! Love pudgy kid hands :-) You two were so busy! Very impressive. My son wanted to color a map of Georgia - he's on the second one now - there are 80 some counties in Georgia so it takes a while. We did paint stamps and went for a bike ride. Not bad for a lazy saturday. Cheers

I like the idea of painting a map! We did paint stamps as well a fee weeks back. Thanks for the comment!

Good parenting can be a child's launch platform into the world.
By developing methods to include basic knowledge and cultivate social behaviors to your child you can boost his character much further.
Teach him the concept of learning and why it's good, how it relates to the experiences of generations before him, what school is fundamentally about and why he should feel empathetic toward others.
There are a lot of studies about this, some old enough to have feedback from the grown children. You are doing a very good job!

That's a good advice. He loves reading and learning new things. As he has travelled a lot for his age he is somehow aware of the social discrepancies and he has seen with his own eyes what poverty means. He is probably the only kid his age that I know talking about gratitude .

It sure was a perfect Saturday, wasn't it? I like how fun you evaluate the development of your child, you should write and teach us a little, by the way I think your baby will be a great artist, good luck.

Thank you. All kids are creative and they absorbe everything we teach them as sponge. It's up to us, the parents to feed the proper tools to work with.

Looks like a great day! I remember “Are You My Mother” from when I was a young reader over a half century ago. That’s a real classic.

I agree. My mom used to read it to me when I was a kid.

Wow i see you really enjoyed your moment. This is what we need in life, at times we deserve some chilling @lymepost

We deserve a lot but we need to manage with what we can get. ;-)

great day, keep going !

This is super cute! I like how you spend time with your son, making arts and crafts. Even though I only get to see his hands, I'm sure he is one adorable boy.

He is indeed! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

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