Dmitriy Kryshtal - funny case of stupid ICO "lecturer"

in #fun7 years ago

Cryptocurrencies, blockchain, ICO is the land of opportunities. Because it's a trend is attracts more and more people, including some funny examples.
Today I will tell you about one. If you like the story - Upvote, Resteem and I will probably add write more stories in this section.

Today I was on ICO Revisor event, which had discussion "ICO and real sector of economy" and 2 ICO presentations: Magnum Link and Solve Care.

In general discussions, questions and presentations were interesting.
But one of the experts on the panel, Dmitriy Kryshtal. really stood out. Not only because he was trying to act as a clown (i.e. saying "I'm crypto-anarchist" when the topic was completely different), but also he showed himself very incompetent.
For example one of the questions from audience turned to discussion and Dmitriy was posing question to a person from audience. It turned to be Magnum Link representative, who kindly asked Dmitriy to follow him after the end of program so he will explain everything in private. (Moderator had to intervene, as it looked like "expert" Dmitriy was in school)
Another question from the audience was about particular ICO cases, investment cases and which ICOs experts endorse.
Dmitriy replied: - This is mauve-ton, I don't speak about ICOs, as I don't speak about how much I earn.

  • Firstly the question was not for you. And we are not interested how much do you earn, it's now understandable that probably not much. And also advise for you to google "mauve-ton".

That's really good when the level of audience is high (and it is on most of Kyiv blockchain events), but really strange how people who are incompetent or beginners try to become lectures, experts, and even try to earn money on this.

When I returned home, I decided to check who is this guy, and I see he is making lectures on how to earn on cryptocurrencies)) May be it's worth checking just to laugh? But it will be at 9 AM

Also what's funny, he really googled "maveu-ton" in Russian and adjusted his question, so it would look like he really knows what "maveu-ton" means.

I think we'll hear more from this guys as he's only starting his career.
And there will be more people like this, who have small knowledge and experience, but want to give advises, earn money lecturing, etc.

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