2 Logical Puzzles to Kick-Start Your Brain - Part 2

in #fun7 years ago

These puzzles are simple enough to be solved over your coffee break. And tricky enough to stump you for hours, sending your mind on a wild goose chase!

So, are you up to the challenge?! The Bright Side team offers you a chance to stretch your brains a little by cracking a few of these mind-bending little beauties!

1. Roadside difficulties

While changing a tyre, a motorist accidentally dropped all four wheel nuts into the sewer grate. He tried everything to retrieve them, but — to no avail. The man was beginning to suspect that he would have to spend many hours by the roadside, when a passing kid suddenly helped him solve the problem. Acting on the kid’s advice, he successfully fitted a new tyre and drove to the nearest service station without accidents.

What was the advice that the child had given the motorist?

2. A witch’s present

Once upon a time, Prince Charming was searching far and wide for his betrothed. Summer had already ended, when he came upon a shack, inhabited by an old witch. The weary traveler asked if she could grant him refuge for the night. The witch obliged and showed her guest a warm welcome, offering him food, drink and a place to sleep. The next morning, as Prince Charming was preparing to continue on his journey, she gave him a present, saying: ’A time will come, when you’ll find your way barred by a wide river with no bridge. The only way to cross it is to swim to the other bank. This enchanted tunic will help you — it won’t let you drown!’.

Our hero continued on his journey. A hundred days and nights had passed before he came across the river the witch had warned him about. But, in the end — he didn’t need to put on the tunic to cross it! Can you guess why?!


