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RE: Another (less 'gutsy'?) Open Letter, This Time To @fulltimegeek, From A Fan
Ah @barge if they only knew that them both are wrong. Because Earth is not flat but a Concave Hollow Semitoroidal Sphere.
I know it, because Admiral Byrd told me so when he came back from Agharti. :p
Thanks for the links @por500bolos, I had a look - interesting! I've come across mentions of hollow earth and its inhabitants in passing, as well as claims of the moon being artificial (based on, for example, the craters all having the same depth, regardless of impact radius). I listened to Admiral Byrd talk and what he had to say was very interesting re. incipient international attention on the South Pole - I gather his expeditions were self funded. But there was no mention of HE. I checked his wikipedia page and couldn't find the search terms 'agar/agat/agh' or even 'hollow', but hey, that's wikipedia.
Thanks for sharing your view. I do not agree with your statement "if they only knew that them both are wrong" because I don't know that either or both ARE incorrect, and the material you provided on an alternative does not leave me with an answer. Personally, I do not mind not knowing this particular 'fact' :)...
It also occurs to me that you might be saying this in jest (?). Either way, thanks for stopping by 🔆.
My pleasure @barge. :)
Well, in fact, I'm glad you've found the links interesting or at least entertaining. That was indeed the purpose of my comment. };)
Yeah! on Wikipedia it's most probable you can find something using the term Agartha instead. Otherwise you must search on other places a little bit more Gnostics.
As for Admiral Byrd talk, I agree! interesting ¿isn't it? perhaps you could find something equally interesting if you google a bit also looking for Colonel Billie Faye Woodard too.
Oh! of course that a big part of my comments on steemit are always spread around with an inexhaustible Serious jest tone. But this is only with the intention of illustrating the uselessness of Byzantine discussions derived from differences of opinion between users within public forums online. ¿Have you ever witnessed something more useless than that?
Oh, answers can only be found by reckless explorers my friend. So, never be afraid to try it. Go ahead and immerse yourself deeper into the mere hole of my serious jesting by clicking on the next image. }:)
Cheers!! :)
Thanks @por500bolos, I will accept the invitation to explore more on my own. It is indeed interesting, I'm not really concerned with entertainment. I now see you are jesting With All The Seriousness :), and agree that jest is an efficient tool for by-passing tedious, detailed back-and-forth 'discussions'. I see you make a distinction with other types of discussions - makes sense to me as the possibility of finding a needle in your fruit has a immediate psychological impact. It's kinda in your face, unlike a Hollow Earth :0.
Thanks again for the info, and the advice. All well received 🔆