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RE: Friends of Gondor - Weekly Update 66: Moving Along Nicely!

in #fulltimegeek5 years ago

Of course Ash :P ... If it wasn't for you and your actions and you also introducing me to FTG, I don't think I would still be here. There is a ton of negative things to waste time on in Steemit, but you two (and @goldendawne and @coolguy123) were 4 very impactful people that showed me the GOOD entrenched here. So its thank you to you... And yes slow and steady works, I'm in no hurry ;)

and ps... agree that the delegators and sponsors deserve a ton of thanks for everything they do!


Thanks Dave for the mention. I am just making a comeback on Steemit after a long gap due to my commitments and hope to be back in action with you all as before.

Definitely no worries from me @coolguy123... Once respect has been earned with me, its very hard for someone to lose it... You have earned that respect and whether you are here or not, I don't forget you :)

Thank You Dave, appreciate that :)
A fresh start to learn new things on Steemit and improve Steem Monster battling skills :).

Have a good day :)

Thanks Dave, very kind, and the gentlebot agrees also :)

Have a good week!

lol... yes I like @gentlebot... I have no idea who he/she is, but love it when you get an upvote out of the blue. Have a great week yourself Asher! :)

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