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RE: Buy Steem, Power Up, Upvote Yourself, WIN!!!

in #fulltimefucktard6 years ago (edited)

I am not saying that selfvoting is wrong, but there are many users who clearly just develop strategies to post empty content and self upvote all day long - for no community or social purpose.. Doing nothing to improve the attraction of the community to new users, for example.

this means to create content and on average selfvote a min. of 7 times just to break even.

Can you explain how you came to that conclusion? What is the average calculated on? A consideration of an average across the entire blockchain or average post payout?

If the value of Steem is $1USD and the inflation rate is around 8% per year - then holding $1000 of Steem Power (e.g. 1000 Steem tokens) would result in those tokens being reduced in value by $80 over the year - right? So you have to make $80 over the year in rewards to cover that.
At current rates (Steem is $0.83 currently) - a 1000 Steem upvote at 100% power results in $0.06 payout (According to's calculator anyway).. so if we say you can make 10 of those votes per day, that's $0.60 payout per day from that 1000SP. You used 7 upvotes per day, so that's a total of $0.42 per day reward payout. So to cover that $80 loss due to interest would take 190 days of self upvoting at that rate - by my calculations.

You propose that "investor's aim to minimise the amount of rewards they take" are you on drugs or what?

To clarify, I was specifically referring to rewards pool claims. I can understand why you would think this makes no sense and I did not say 'don't take any rewards' - but the maths I showed here appear to make clear that even if a poster posts literally nothing of any use, they can break even in just over half a year at the rate of self upvoting you described. The idea is to post content that shows proof of brain and to then benefit from that by taking a larger cut of the rewards pool. Obviously Steem isn't magic money and the rewards pool payments have to come from somewhere - this is a given when using the system. If we don't improve the network and/or post great content (which in turn attracts new users and more traffic) then we aren't really doing anything to produce the financial benefits we want to receive. Or did investment ROI suddenly become guaranteed while I was making tea?

The distribution of the reward pool has nothing to do with the steem price and price discovery

I think you obviously hogged that bong.. I can point you to people all day long who won't use or hold Steem because of the distribution of the rewards pool - which in turn lowers the price of Steem.

SBD was designed as a Debt Instrument, I can imagine that its function would be to pay for the costs to run the blockchain

To my understanding, SBD's purpose is to provide a stable peg to incentivise use of the platform. It's tough to go to buy a loaf of bread when the value of your currency has drastically changed since yesterday, hence the peg.

Why not take SBD off all external exchanges?

I have no problem with completely ending the use of SBDs.


Hi there,

So I need 73,361 SP a year. (8.66% inflation minus 1.299% for holding SP).

73.361 / 365 = 0.200 SP p/day = 7 x 0.03 SP (Post payout - 50% SBD - 50% SP).

For the SBD's I buy a loaf of bread. What else could I buy? :)

Completely ending SBD could be a solution if payout would be STEEM instead of SBD.

You convert the SBD to STEEM and halve the amount of self-votes you need (they are part of the inflation after all)

Agreed, then I could use excess voting power in supporting other users and engage with the community.

Though, all that is based on the assumption that the only thing you care about is keeping your percentage of the total steem constant.
If this behavior hurts adoption, or not doing that could have positive effects on the market cap, it'd be wise to go that route instead.

I don't see the inflation/dilution as an issue.

I expect Steem to generate gains mostly through market cap growth.

We are all in this together as community.

I'm not sure I follow you here. Can you explain where the value of 73,361SP a year comes from?
Also, where does the value of 1.299% come from?

I will receive 15% Inflation correction for holding Steempower. (1000 SP)

15% inflation correction over 8.66% = 1.299%

So, 8.66% - 1.299% = 7.361% I need to grind this percentage to break even.

You just keep introducing new figures without defining their origin - so it doesn't really help to explain what you are saying. Where does 15% come from? Please don't reply by introducing another percentage without explaining it's origin ;)

??? I am sorry for you, you talk like elmo, not as a witness.

Every user knows, that when you hold STEEMPOWER, you receive 15% inflation correction. When Inflation for 2018 is @ 8.66% - 15% correction is to difficult for you to understand, then you should not be a Witness.

I am understanding the upheavel about our witness situation on the steem blockchain.

I wish you all the best and lots of profits.

Given that in 2 years of using Steem every day and participating in countless conversations - having listened to many more from a wide variety of users.. I have never once heard the phrase '15% correction' - I think it is a huge false judgement to claim that 'everyone knows you receive 15% inflation correction'. You are welcome to flesh out the details on this thing that apparently I am the only person not to understand.

I feel that you are being overly defensive here for your own reasons.

Aha, I found it.. I have never heard anyone even talk about this before, but I see the 15% figure is listed in the Steem Readme.

Every user knows, that when you hold STEEMPOWER, you receive 15%

I did not know this, I am just here to create & hope to make a living doing so...

I understand the figure of 1.299% now. The other confusion was because you used a comma in your first figure of SP instead of a decimal. You wrote that you need 73,361SP instead of 73.361.. Which was obviously an error and confused me. ;)


Depends on which part of the world you are from, point and comma mean the opposite of what you are used to.

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