Pack Your Bag For Full Day Dubai City Tour & Enjoy Your Vacation At Full Blast!

in #full6 years ago (edited)

Have you gone bored with your stereotype lifestyle? Are you looking for a change? Does the idea of going on a pleasant destination to break the melancholy of your life seems interesting to you? Well, if so, you should delay not in planning your next vacation!

So, you have finally made up your mind to go on a holiday for a few days so as to reenergize yourself and your life as well but not getting the idea, which place to head out. Right? You need not stress yourself anymore! There can be no better place on this entire planet when seeking to escape from the worldly affair and looking for some quality time than the land of Dubai. Plan your Full day Dubai city tour now and experience the magic of a relaxing holiday yourself!
Dubai is the paradise of the earth. A place where you can get the real tranquil, relaxation and the sigh of relief and all the other things required to make a vacation memorable and enjoyable. Every penny and every moment, you spend on Dubai city tour will be well spent. It is a decision; you will never have to repent on.

My personal experience of Full day Dubai city tour!

Last year I went for Full day Dubai city tour with my best buddies and believe me, next to marrying my wife, it was the best decision of my life. I wish, I could have stayed some more time there! Well, I am thinking of planning my next trip to this Arabic City soon in near future!

Why Dubai should top your priority list for destination preference?

Dubai has been my top of the list whenever I plan for a vacation and there are millions of others like me. If you are not much familiar to this gold city, you might be thinking what is so good about the city that makes it so popular among the travelholic. If this thought is lingering in your mind, let me make you aware from the fact that Dubai is one of the fastest growing travel destinations in well over a decade. This glowing city of UAE has so much to offer to travelers and tourists. You can never go wrong by going for a Full day Dubai city tour.

Dubai has so many outstanding activities and attractions that you must not miss beholding when on this amazing land. I have described here a few of those most striking places. Be sure to visit some of these wonderful attractions during your stay in Dubai.

Jumeirah Beach -
If you enjoy spending your holiday on a tropical and white sandy beach, Jumeirah Beach is for you. You can also enjoy a wide range of activities at Jumeirah beach including diving, fishing, wind surfing, snorkeling and jet skiing.


Wild Wadi Water Park -
Wild Wadi Water Park is located right next to the Jumeirah beach hotel. The Wild Wadi Water Park is one of the most popular tourist attractions of this Arabic land. There are 23 spectacular slides at this Water Park as well as myriads of other entertainment options.


Desert Safari -
Your Full day Dubai city tour can never be called complete without going on a desert safari. Desert is actually the life and soul of Dubai. There are different ways to enjoy the thrills of desert safari. You can prefer going in a Hammer car or choose for the camel riding or any other exciting option depending on availability and your choices. No matter what ways you choose to go for desert safari, you are sure to have unlimited fun. You can enjoy the traditional belly dancing of the professional dancers under the sky full of twinkling stars, taste the exotic flavor of Dubai cuisine, smoke the Hukka and many more.


Burj Khalifa -
Burj khalifa is actually the landmark of this Arabic city. It is the highest building of the world. Seeing the gleam of city from the height of Burj Khalifa is an experience of lifetime. Back on the ground, wrapping around the Burj Khalifa, are the building's beautifully designed gardens, with winding walkways. This skyrocketing building is surrounded with plenty of water features including the Dubai Fountain, which is the world's tallest performing fountain.


The Dubai Mall -
If you are shopping spree, the Dubai Mall is just the paradise for you. It is the premier mall of the desert city, which also provides entry to the Burj Khalifa as well as the Dubai Aquarium along with presenting the elite style of Dubai for shoppers. The magnetism of The Dubai Mall does not stop here only, it further stretches to the other excitements that include an ice-skating rink, gaming zone and cinema complex. The shopping and eating is endless and there are nearly always special events such as live music and fashion shows within the mall. So, if you are looking to get the best of your Full day Dubai city tour, The Dubai Mall is must to visit.


The Burj Al Arab -
Another striking attraction of Dubai is Burj Al Arab, which is the only 7 star hotel of the world. So, if you are little liberal to your budget and money is never a consideration for you when it comes to a luxury feeling and memorable vacation, don’t opt to stay for anywhere else than the suits of the Burj Al Arab.


These are just to name top 6 attractions of Dubai. However, the city includes a list of several other activities and attractions! But describing about all those attractions in just one discussion is not a feasible task. So, if truly want to know about all those wonders and want to get the city from little close, pack your bag for the Full day Dubai city tour right away!

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