My Haiku for "Mizu no Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku Contest - WEEK #14" [ES/EN]

in #fuerza-hispana6 years ago (edited)

[banner credit: @f3nix]


Mi buen amigo @salvao, excelente escritor, de más está decirlo, me sugirió que participara en este concurso. Y me animé. Así que por aquí estoy presentándoles mi primera participación. La forma de trabajo, a partir de la imagen sugerente que visualicé mentalmente, buscarla en la realidad virtual que ofrece internet, para ofrecérsela con el haiku creado, en español.

Luego, con ayuda del traductor google, llevarlo a su versión en inglés.

My good friend @salvao, excellent writer, needless to say, suggested that I participate in this contest. And I cheered up. So here I am presenting my first participation. The way of working, from the suggestive image that I visually visualized, to look for it in the virtual reality offered by the internet, to offer it with the haiku created, in Spanish.

 Then, with the help of  a google translator, take it to its English version 



Nacerá el Niño

Navidad llegará

Con Jesús Niño


The Child will be born 

Christmas will arrive 

With Jesus Child 


Encantadora experiencia, pero no tan fácil. Gracias  @bananafish por este simpático concurso. Es la primera, más no la ultima participación. Gracias @salvao, por invitarme a participar en esta actividad.

Lovely experience but not so easy .Thanks @bananafish for this nice contest. It is my first, but not the last participation. Thanks @salvao, for inviting me to participate in this activity. 


Aaaaah hoy me pasé a ver qué había en el concurso de haikus y vi el tuyo pero... ¡amiga, le cambiaste la imagen! Hay que usar la que propone @bananfish en la convocatoria. :)
En cualquier caso, no soy yo muy "católico" para este haiku... Saludos!

Querido amigo. Hice unas correcciones. Gracias.

Gracias por tu aiuda, @salvao! Tal vez, podrìa hacer una traducciòn al castellano de los términos del contest. Hay mucha participaciòn de habla española, aunque tenemos el inglés como idioma principal. Lo pensaré después de las vacaciones.

Pues no es mala idea, la verdad!

Hi @mllg

I hope you don't mind my little off-topic comment.

Most of all I wanted to thank you for being part of my little quest. Engagement we managed to create within our community was quite impressive. I hope some of those new friendships and connections will last longer.

I finally had a chance to check how many people completed my previous small quests and again reality exceeded my expectations.

I counted already 20 people who joined our little venture. I LOVE IT!

But I've small problem here. Again I didn't anticipate such a support and I don't have enough of SP at the moment to delegate some extra to everyone. Would it be okey if instead of delegating extra 20SP I would extend time of current delegation for another one month? Until end of March 2019?

Let me know if it would be okey.

ps. Im also planning to purchase more STEEM after new year. So if in the future you will struggle with low RC limit then give me a shout and I will see what I can do at that particular moment to help you :)


Dear @crypto.piotr:

It makes me happy that many people have participated and successfully completed your QUEST. I understand that the response has been greater than expected, because the current situation on the platform, coupled with the difficult economic situation in my country and I suppose that also in other places, makes progress an urgent need; and in Steemit, to progress you have to have high SP. It is a contradiction, but it is so. Having a little more Sp was exciting because it would give me more opportunity to comment and publish, as more number of followed more SP necessary to vote and comment without neglecting current commitments.
I dump your good will and I agree with the replacement of more Sp for the extension until March. I hope that during that time I do my best work and you feel proud of the delegation offered. On the other hand I consider supporting you with resteem and vote in all the publications that I can do it.
As for the mesh created thanks to your delegations, I hope, as you expect it to work positively and last in time.
Thanks for everything.
The malfunction of the internet has not allowed me, but I go for the other Quest. I want to do it.
Maria Luisa

thank you for your amazing comment @mllg

ps. would you consider using "enter" sometimes in the future? it would make reading so much easier :)


Excuse me, but i didn't understood you consider using "enter". Could you tell me in other words?

Dear @mllg

Perhaps you could separate some sentences in your comments with "enter" on your keyboard.

Please look at your comment and tell me if you think it's easy or difficult to read:

There is simply no spaces between sentences.

jajajaja!!! You're right.

Now, I understand perfectly.

Thanks a lot!!!

Bienvenida en Mizu no Oto! La familia se expande cada vez más.

Muchas gracias. Este concurso es muy agradable ¡FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!

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