
What do you want to talk about, buddy?

There was also a chat on the blockchain but it went silent pretty fast as.. well, it was on the blockchain.

Blockchain or not, talking about almost anything, unless it's about super edgy things, shouldn't care no?

This is partially the issue.

Most people do not want boring content on Steemit, so they are avoiding regular topics and trying only edgy things. As edgy things can get people in trouble, they're trying to avoid those too.

We could use Steemit as a standard social media site too, commenting with no aim for being something extremely special. However, people who are treating this like a normal social media site are also usually aiming for high rewards. Posting stuff about their dog, their chai latte in the Starbucks etc. and get disappointed as they do not get rewards and followers based on that.

People care too much about their post rewards. I think THIS is the actual problem. They are here for the money, not for the freedom of speech.


Well most come for freedom. They're assuming they have freedom of speech on every platform.

Nah, I came for the money :)

we all know you do

does that mean I don't have to mention it anymore?

... will you come if I'll pay you $20? ;)

sounds a bit like an indecent proposal ;)

Then some whale comes and FLAG THE SHIT outta their freedom. Some days later, they start posting about the weather.

With other platforms I mean for example Facebook. People assume it's a platform for free speech.

Don't say that! :P

Oh, I will!
But yeah, "You may only comment once every 20 seconds", so I'll wait.

Just go to, there it will be all put in a queue so you can comment as often as you like ;)

Ooh, fancy shit.
edit: it worked!

Let's continue our chat here :)

I still think easiest would be to start a club :)

How do I start a club? #circlejerkclub is not for me.

a. create an account for the club
b. announce the club and what it stands for
c. create banners for club members
d. upvote the members with the club account
e. create a discord channel for the club....

f.Stop using Steemit.

Let's start another one.
Tell me 5 good witnesses to vote for. Bonus points for > 10 good witnesses.

me, myself, r00sj3, I and that Dutch girl you talk to every now and then....

You're not even a witness. Are ya?

oh wait... no... should I?

On the block, you can be whoever you want to.


where did @apsu go?

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