Red Hot Chilli Peppers

A big shout out to @lenasveganliving, a new Steemian I discovered today thanks to @mhel who was kind enough to respond to my Monochrome Monday post.

@lenasveganliving does a weekly competition titled ' Fruits and Veggies Mondays'. Go check out their blogs now. Interesting ladies

Organically grown cayenne chilli's from my garden. I picked these this morning as I am making an Arabiatta pasta tonight. Simple but delicious with added flavor from freshly picked origanum and thyme, fresh garlic and a glug of aged balsamic vinegar , simple fare at its best


Thanks for reading as always... and for those who give me their precious vote.


I love these hot peppers :)

Me too .... these are going into a fiery pasta sauce for dinner.

Beautiful picture for the #fruitsandveggiesmonday ^_^ (your hashtag for the challenge category is wrong @themagus ) Good luck !

Thanks @barbara-orenya I seem to have an extra 's' in there {smile} ... ah well!!

He he ! you probably intend to participate EVERY Mondays ! ;-)

Surely do ... but only when I have produce out of my own garden {smile}

Arrabiata is one of my favorites and it must be super delicious with these stunning looking peppers. Thank you so much for joining us @themagus. UPV & RSD 🍅🌿🍅

Thank you, was nice discovering you.... you can forthwith count on my support and interaction.

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