Let's Make Apple Honey :D // Bikin Madu Dari Buah Apel Yuk :D

Last Blog Before H20!

Are you ready????

Yes, yes, @sircork, I know. I will get to my server once am done here. Just gonna blog a little while having my (huge) breakfast, then I will get going ;-)

Last week we harvested apples, tons of them, 2 grocery bags full. Since they are the smaller side, unlike storebought ones, am sure you can imagine how plentiful there were inside the bags.

Asiiik Dah Mau HF20

Sudah siapkan buat HF20 teman? Akan ada perubahan-perubahan seru di Steemit nantinya, apa sudah dengar?

Ngomong-ngomong minggu lalu aku panen buah apel. Jadilah semingguan kemarin banyak olahan apel keluar dari dapur ku :D

Unggahan hari ini aku ikutsertakan ke #fruitsandveggiesmonday yang di canangkan oleh @lenasveganliving


I have used kilograms of them to make apple sauces, apple jam, apple pie filling, apple pie, and more.

Today is #fruitsandveggiesmonday, a community gathering hosted by @lenasveganliving, where we can share anything related to fruits and veggies. You can also share recipe, but they have to be vegan/plant based.

So I would love to share you on How To Make Vegan Honey -cue the protest coming from @janton :P

Vegans call it as honee. While it is thick, it is more to syrup in my opinion. It is nice for pancakes and the like, but I have yet use it in baking tho.

Bertoples-toples aku bikin selai apel, saus apel, isian pai apel, pokoknya buanyak deh, sampai kehabisan toples maupun ruang di kulkas hahah

Aku pun bikin sirup buah apel, yang oleh vegan (diet tanpa produk hewani) disebut sebagai MADU

Memang sih tidak mirip dengan madu yang dihasilkan oleh para lebah, namun lumayan lah yah, enak buat dipakai olesan roti, kue apem, dan sejenisnya

Mungkin bedanya, kalau madu ada khasiat untuk kesehatan, sirup apel tentunya hanya untuk menyenangkan lidah wkwkwkw


To make this honee is pretty simple, all you need are apple juice and sugar.

Some like adding citrus in theirs, either lime or lemon, and my following recipe used lime juice, but yes you can use lemon or just apple juice and sugar.

The easiest would be using store bought apple juice, but since we harvested apples, we juiced ourselves :)

- 12 apples - about 2 c juice
- 1 c sugar
- 1 tsp lime

- Bring to a light boil on high heat, then lower temperature to medium and simmer for 40 minutes. You should get about 1 C honee
- Cool to room temperature, then chill in the fridge

Untuk buat nih "madu", mudah banget, dan bahan-bahannya pun ga ribet, hanya jus buah apel dan gula pasir.

Kadang ada yang suka nambahin air jeruk, baik jeruk lemon ataupun nipis. Tapi tanpa jerukpun enak kok.

- 12 buah apel ukuran kecil, parut hingga menjadi 2 gelas jus apel yak (buang busanya - bisa pakai saringan)
- 1 gelas gula pasir
- 1 sdt jeruk nipis

- Rebus di api besar, terus turunkan ke api sedang, dan masak selama 40 menit. Sisa akhir akan menjadi 1 gelas "madu" dan diamkan suhu ruangan dulu sebelum dimasukkan ke kulkas.
Kalau sudah dingin, akan mengental seperti madu :D


fresh juice, need to be strained or scoop out the foam


Easy peasy lemon squeezy :D Well in this case, limey squeezee :P

I used the honee mostly for English muffins. Melty vegan margarine and citrusy honee, YUMMO!

Jadi deh dan gampang banget kan :D

Rasanya tuh kecut-kecut manis. Kalau teman mau hanya manis, ga usah pakai jeruk yak :D


Thanks for looking and see you tomorrow with HF 20, crossing fingers to the moon after <3<3<3<3

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Mmmmmmm... I made homemade applesauce the other day and baked it into banana bread. That was delish. Yay for apples!

Ooh yum. I think we are going to go apple picking in a few weeks, so I will have to keep this in mind. :) Keep the apple recipes coming!! Haha! And I hope all goes well with HF20.

Thank you, am crossing fingers, toes, hairs, along everything else 😅

Awesome! I have never heard of honee and it looks and sounds delish. Anything home made like this, especially harvested from your own apple tree, is so much better than anything we can buy. Great post @thekitchenfairy.

You can get honee online, from Bee Free. Other brands just say vegan honey. Honee is just a term tho, like mylk instead milk, cheeze instead cheese 😉

This looks interesting, am sure it tasted real good :)
thank you for sharing the way you made it and good luck eating it ;)

Why good luck tho, its just sugar and apple juice 🤣

Good luck enjoying it to the fullest :D

Sweet for sure and fresh with the lime flavor 😊

I love honee :D

My 2nd try. I like dandelions honee too 😊

I have never tried that how does it taste ?

A bit smiliar to apple honee because recipe I used also added apples and lemon in it.

Idk why i didnt upload about it last spring lol Next year i will share when i find tons of dandelions again 😊

yum :D tag me when you do :D

What a wonderful idea! I'll have to try it, you're so fortunate you have apples available! Makes it so easy. Love this, thanks for sharing your honee!!

You can use store bought apple juice 😊

Mmmmm sauce made with harvest apple it must be delicious:)

haha! howdy there thekitchenfairy! looks like it's getting chilly up there already, time for some hot apple cider! great recipe bytheway and great post!

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