Last summer days fruits 🍉

This may be the last melon I had this year and the last blue- and blackberries. For my this week contribution on #fruitsandveggiesmonday by @lenasveganliving I made this beautiful fruitsalad. Other delicious fruits are on season soon but on a sunny late summer day nothing is tastier than cool water melon ...

A fruity Monday evening to all of you! 🍇🍉🍑🍐🍊


Hey I am glad I discovered your post. It is excellent.
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Oh wow, this is very similar salad like I just posted. Great minds think alike lol. I love watermelon with berries, it's one of my favorites. Thank you so much for this beautiful entry ....... upv & rsd 🍇🍍💚🍓🍉

Really!?!! Let me see ... 🏃🏼‍♀️

Indeed! Just the strawberries and raspberries instead the blackberries! Funny! We obviously love berries the same way? Did you know that the melonfruit counts as a "berry" as well? 😂

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