Golden Milk - a traditional Ayurveda warming drink. STEEMIT FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
A handful of valuable information on how to use turmeric to be an effective remedy and how to avoid counterfeit and contaminated products.
This information will certainly please not only ladies :) Turmeric has a slimming effect - it promotes metabolism, accelerates digestion and prevents the accumulation of fatty tissue. Adding turmeric to the menu, we use its slimming properties.
In addition, curcumin has a purifying effect on blood, supports the work of the pancreas and liver. It lowers cholesterol and also stimulates bile secretion. It is used to reduce gallstones as well as reduce uterine tumors and reduce menstrual pain, which is not a single woman.
As a curiosity, I will add that turmeric also accelerates wound healing (Hindus sprinkle even wounds to speed up the healing process).
Important! Turmeric used together with black pepper increases the absorption of curcumin up to 2000%. It is worth remembering, because curcumin is quite poorly absorbable.
The problem is that we buy curcuma usually not from producers but from distributors who often add foreign substances such as flour to gain volume. You can check it but after the purchase. Dissolve turmeric in a glass of water, if we see a precipitate at the bottom, that is, we bought a cheated product.
To minimize the risk, pay attention to the country of origin. It is certainly not a medicinal purpose to buy turmeric from China, even if it has a Bio certificate, because most of the arable land in China is contaminated with heavy metals.
A creamy cocktail with curcuma
2 cups of almond milk (or other - preferably vegetable)
1 ripe banana (previously peeled and frozen)
2 kaki fruits
vanilla stick (not necessarily)
2-3 dates or honey
1 teaspoon of grated fresh turmeric rhizome or 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon ginger (powder or freshly grated)
Very orange juice with turmeric
If you have a piece of fresh turmeric, try the recipe for a delicious turmeric juice.
4 carrots
1 orange
1 apple
a piece of turmeric rhizome (2-3 cm)
Enjoy :)
good post friends, I really enjoy it
Thank you so much 😊
Great post! Turmeric is a necessary supplement in my kitchen :))
Thank you my dear. Your kitchen it is smart one ;))) Kisses :)

How wonderful. Thank you so much my lovely friend. I am at Panama islands and I already feel so great plus such a excellent news. You cannot even imagine how fantastic it is.. Kisses my dear. See you on Monday.
Margaret, I like the Nice shapes and colors the most. It looks so special 😉
Thank you so much my friend :-)
That's a very detailed well explained procedure.
I think I'll try it when I get all the mentioned things above hehe, well I will try to see for some results. 😏
dear @margaretwise i just misteack your post for some time
and some network porblems
this is a great post i like it so much
Thank you my dear. I am on the island I have connection problem as well 😊
This is great article and useful info. so beautiful photography
Thanks @margaretwise
Have a great day
Thank you my dear friend. Thank you a lot ☺️
turmeric is really really good for health thanks for sharing a post on this
I hope I would a little persuaded the people to think healthy way and stay away from the doctors as long as they can. Kisses my dear
Interesting information! Oh! It's very useful! Great job! ;)
I am so glad you like it :-))) the whole my idea is to share some info. Thanks to you I know that is useful :-) thank you so much my dear :-)))
It's my pleasure, my lovely sis! You always provided good information for us! ;)
Good information. I love having several weekly doses when I cook dhal. YUMMY.
Hope you are well my friend @margaretwise!
Thank you my dear friend. I am ok. Enjoying the weather and my hubby family. We are having really nice time. Have a great day my dear friend :-)))