Fruits and Veggies Monday - Broc-Cauli-Kale FritterssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fruitsandveggiesmonday5 years ago (edited)

It's Monday Monday again and I still find myself humming that old Mamas & Papas tune that my friend @birdsinparadise and I got stuck on last week;)

But this Monday I've gone far back into the memory banks and have also started humming songs from my children's Nursery school days:)

Question time: What do the following vegetables all have in common?
Cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli and Brussel Sprouts?


They're all Cruciferous and known for their anti cancer properties, just like the cutest educational Vegetable song tells the children on the really cool Kids Learning Tube.

I am Broccoli
My name starts with a B
I'm Cruciferous veggie
And an anti-Cancer Green...

These vegetables are a rich source of Glucosinolates, and studies have proven that a high intake lowers the risk of lung and colorectal cancer.


Today I will be making power packed and cruciferous Broc-Cauli-Kale Fritters served with a sweet Basil Tomato & Onion Sauce for all our Fruits and Veggies friends, hope you enjoy it :)


  • 2 cups Cauliflower florets
  • 2 cups Broccoli florets
  • 1 cup diced Kale leaves
  • 4 baby Leeks
  • 1 medium Onion
  • 1 cup cold crumbly Maize meal porridge aka Phutu
  • 1 Flax egg - 1Tbs Flax seeds + 3 Tbs Water
  • 1/2 cup self raising Stone ground wheat flour
  • Seasoning of choice

Place all raw veggies into food processor and pulse till fine.

Add crumbly maize meal porridge, flour, flax egg and seasoning, mix and leave to rest for about half an hour.
Note: Phutu is a traditional South African crumbly maize meal porridge served at braais (BBQ) with a tomato & onion sauce; it's quite similar to polenta.

Form into patties, shallow fry in oil on both sides and drain on paper.




Sweet Basil Tomato & Onion Sauce

  • 1 Onion - diced
  • 2 Tomatoes - diced
  • Fresh Sweet Basil - chopped
  • Seasoning of choice

Sautee Onions in a little oil till it just starts to caramelize.
Add remaining ingredients and simmer slowly with lid on till tender and mushy.


Before we sit down to eat, one last look at the making!



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A sincere thank you to the creator of #fruitsandveggiesmonday, @lenasveganliving and to our weekly host the lovely @plantstoplanks! Both these ladies are such an inspiration with their kind feedback and the amazing food coming from their kitchens!
A massive shout-out to that wonderfully talented artist @barbara-orenya for our fabulous awards as well!
Thank you one and all for giving us this opportunity!
Check out this week's POST, follow the rules 100% and show us your fruits and veggies this Monday.
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Original Content by @lizelle
Thank you for stopping by
Comments, upvotes & resteems all much appreciated :)
Copyright @lizelle - All Rights Reserved

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

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That looks delicious I must say!

Absolutely yummylicious my Dear Lizelle! Such a marvelous recipe! I really hope you get big upvote from one of the big curators this week!!! 🥦🌿🥦
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Ah thank you for the lovely comments Lena, you're too kind! I'm so glad you enjoyed this, I was going to make an Orange dessert but changed my mind at the last minute, so that idea is shelved for a later date:)
Enjoy your Monday!

Always a pleasure my Dear Lizelle! I love everything you make and I can't wait to see the Orange dessert 🍊😍🍊

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Gosh all these awards, thank you Lena:)

Well deserved my Dear Lizelle! I wish I could give you 1st PRIZE every week 😍

You are very kind Lena! !tip .20

Oh wow! Thank you so much my Dear Lizelle 💖😊💖

🎁 Hi @lenasveganliving! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @lizelle!

@lizelle wrote lately about: Food Fight Friday - Scents And Sentimentality Feel free to follow @lizelle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Looks delicious! Cruciferous veggies really are king! So useful for health, but delicious in so many recipes. I need to practice with fritters more since I seem to always have a hard time getting the consistency right to get them to stick together. These look like a fantastic mix to practice on, though. :)

I was quite concerned that they'd fall apart on turning in the pan. The first batch was a tiny bit crumbly but fortunately someone needed me so I let the mix stand about half an hour and that did the trick;) Thank you for your nice comments!

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Oooh, you know, that might be part of my problem--I get too impatient, haha! Makes sense that if it sits a bit it will stick together better. :)

I'm exactly the same, way too impatient and always leave things to the last minute;)

ohhhhhh my dear! This looks amazing, being a huge broccoli fan I would love these fritters! Perfect sauce, tomatoes and onions, love it :) No crazy Monday songs this week, sweet rhymes instead! Well done

Thank you my friend, I was tempted to add another Monday song again;)

Oh my, looks very good. I love all your food @lizelle, particularly this one. Absolutely delish:)

Thank you so much @sherylneil!

Those bad boys look amazingly delicious - so yummy

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