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in #fruitsandveggiesmonday โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much Janton, this is a traditional Japanese soup that I veganized. Usually it could be made with seafood, eggs and all types of meat. However, you are worrying too much about protein. There is enough protein in balanced vegan diet even without tofu, because all plants have protein. How do you think gorillas, elephants, deer, giraffe, cows and many other plant eating animals can sustain big bodies like that?

Based on the latest research, what most Ameriacans and I bet Canadians as well are lacking is fibre, because meat has no fibre at all. This is one of the reasons why colon cancer is spreading like weeds.

Nevertheless, you can add into this soup one serving of mung bean sprouts and that will give you extra 3g of protein and 5g of fibre. The oyster mushrooms contain protein as well' in 89g of mushrooms is 28g of protein/ They are also very healthy and they taste better than meat ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ

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they taste better than meat?? come on! lol. I would have to taste them to believe it but I am willing to do that. Yes the protein thing is what I've always wondered about the most, getting enough. I never thought about the big animals who are that makes sense.

What gives you the most fiber? or does any plant have fiber?
I try to eat a salad everyday just for the fiber, I'm not crazy about salads but eat them for health.

Shiitake as well........all you need is heat up little bit of oil, slice up your mushrooms and fry them on each side with salt and pepper on each side until golden. You'll see, the taste is amazing!!! They melt in your mouth like a butter. The only problem is their price, lol. On the other hand, Portobello are tasty as well, much bigger and cost effective, so you can try them too. They are excellent on charcoal grill and you need only few drops of oil, salt and pepper. You can eat them just with some quinoa salad and veggies, if you worry about that protein so much. Quinoa is high in protein and fiber. If you need a recipe I have a few, just let me know.

At last, all plants have fibre........fruits, veggies, cereals, grains, rice and legumes. "From the American Heart Association: Eating Plan suggests eating a variety of food fiber sources. Total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food, not supplements. Currently, dietary fiber intakes among adults in the United States average about 15 grams a day. That's about half the recommended amount."

howdy again Miss Lena! I keep reading about Quinoa and it sounds like an amazing grain but I don't know much about it. Can you make pancakes from it? Oh, and can you make DONUTS from it? lol.

howdy this fine Tuesday Miss Lena! I forgot to tell you thank you for resteeming my post! I will do the same for you because I bet most of my readers are not vegan so it could be something very different for them!

My pleasure Janton, no need for special thanks.........but thank you too, will see how your readers react, lol ๐Ÿ˜Š

haha! a few of them will think I went off the deep end!

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