If a tomato plant and sunshine had a baby....

I'm pretty sure it would come out looking something like these beauties.


I totally forgot that this was a yellow tomato plant until the fruit just wasn't turning red.

Needless to say, the surprise was pleasant.



Tossed these babies with some crumbled goat cheese, garden basil, balsamic vinegar, and a splash of olive oil.


Tastes like summer.


Thanks to the wonderful @lenasveganliving for helping us to show off the wonderful fruits and vegetables all around us.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, please do check out my blog.

Photos by @jaymorebeet, taken on 8/12/2017 with a Canon 7D Mark II.


looks so yummy!

Thanks @lrich! Nothing like fresh summer tomatoes!

Those are some pretty tomatoes! I don't see many yellow tomatoes here. Family members love their fried green tomatoes and their red tomato sandwiches but yellow isn't as popular. They look so colorful in a dish.

Ohh fried green tomatoes yesss. If I had more space I'd plant all colors of tomatoes - the zebra ones are my favorite! I also find that the more tomato plants i have, the more mosquitos I have. It limits my tomato color adventure!! Thanks @marxrab :)

Thank you so much Dear @jaymorebeet, these are very beautiful yellow tomatoes, wow! Definitely nice surprise in your garden. I am sure they are yummy too. upv & rsd 🍅🌿🍅
Just in the future, please skip any type of animal products, such as cheese, eggs, fish, seafood and of course meat. I will also specify that in the rules next week.

Ahh! I didn't realize!! Big big woops!

Thank you for understanding Dear @jaymorebeet you are actually not the only one. Clearly, I have to specify that in the rules next week 😊

Thanks @beyondmountains! How are your tomato plants doing? Mine seem to be mostly done for the summer :(

Sorry for the delay... kids happen 😊 My tomatoes did not do so well either. My best tomatoes came from a few volunteer plants that grew from last years dropped tomatoes 🍅 just off of those 2 or 3 plants I canned 4 quarts of tomato sauce.


Thanks for the thumbs @cognoscere. Unless you're hitchhiking. In that case, play it safe and call an Uber.

Now those babies will bright up someone’s day in a nice dish! I miss having tomato plants.

Perhaps next year I will try again and make sure people don’t forget to water things…

Yes! Try again and water those babies!! So worth the efforts!

ooh i love tomato salads, i like mine with torn mazarella, basil, garlic, onion, balsamic, and oil, those tomatoes look yummy :)

Yesss...you know it's good when you want to drink the juice at the bottom of the bowl, amirite?

ohh yeah! :)

Such beautiful tomatoes you have there :-)

Thanks @ikaputri3 - I'm pretty sure this plant was a determinate variety, because it produced a bunch of tomatoes all at once and I've yet to see another fruit! Ah well, it was great while it lasted! :)

Deliciously mixed with cheese. Looks absolutely yum.😊

Thanks @luvabi! We enjoyed this salad by the neighborhood pool - two great summer things at the same time!

Kids are probably having a great summer!😊
Sounds like a day well spent.

Absolutely heavenly this pairing my friend! Wow! I got quite some varieties of tomatoes yesterday, my wife made a post on them for the #fruitsandveggiesmonday too!

Thanks a ton @progressivechef - I loved @creativewoman 's post too - lucky you guys for having great tomatoes too!

We were really lucky to get so much varieties for free! Hahaha! I enjoyed eating them the past week!

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