in #fruitsandveggiesmonday6 years ago (edited)



Today I finally pushed my laziness aside and for the first time decided to take part in the contest конкурсе FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION from @lenasveganliving 😊

Сегодня я наконец-то отодвинула свою лень в сторону и впервые решила поучаствовать в конкурсе FRUITS AND VEGGIES MONDAY COMPETITION от @lenasveganliving 😊

I wash with water sprouted wheat, put 1 cm to the bottom of the plastic container, cover with a lid (do not close tightly, leave a small air slot). 1-2 times a day I wash sprouted wheat. After 7-9 days when the young green stalk of germinated wheat reaches 10-12 cm, it contains the maximum amount of useful substances needed by our body. I cut the whole green part with scissors, washed it with water, put it in a blender, add drinking water, grind it. Today I added a sweet melon and this is the perfect combination :) My kitchen is filled with the wonderful fragrance of freshly cut grass I rub the remaining pieces through a sieve and drink it at once - maximally filled with the healing power of nature 😊

Я промываю водой пророщенную пшеницу, насыпаю 1 см на дно пластикового контейнера, накрываю крышкой. 1-2 Раз в день я промываю пророщенную пшеницу. Через 7-9 дней когда молодой зелёный стебелек пророщенной пшеницы достигает 10-12 см, он содержит максимальное количество полезных веществ, необходимых нашему организму. Я срезаю ножницами всю его зелёную часть, промываю водой, кладу в блендер, добавляю питьевую воду, измельчаю (если добавить сладкий фрукт - получится вкуснее). Моя кухня наполняется прекрасным ароматом свежескошенной травы) Оставшиеся кусочки протираю через сито и сразу пью, и принимаю целительную силу природных витаминов :)

A good example, showing the strength of young shoots of wheat - their desire for sunlight. Remember how they break through the asphalt when they grow up. How much power and energy do they contain? :)

Наглядный пример, показывающий силу молодых побегов пшеницы – их стремление к солнечному свету. Вспомните, как они пробивают асфальт, когда растут. Сколько много силы и энергии в них содержится? :)


Wheatgrass is saturated with all sorts of useful ingredients: trace elements, vitamins, fiber, chlorophyll, and various enzymes.

Wheatgrass is simply necessary for our climate where plastic fruits and bad ecology. It regulates biorhythms: if taken before lunch, it gives energy, and if in the afternoon it is a good dream and relaxation.

Wheatgrass has no analogues and is considered to be the most useful drink that has a natural origin. Promotes weight loss, intensively cleanses the body of toxins and carcinogens, it has a rejuvenating effect. Increases immunity, treats anemia, and its toning actions give strength and energy. Increases efficiency and activity. There are no contraindications to its use except individual intolerance :)

Wheatgrass насыщен всевозможными полезными компонентами: микроэлементы, витамины, клетчатка, хлорофилл, а также различные ферменты.

Wheatgrass просто необходим для нашего климата где пластиковые фрукты и плохая экология. Он регулирует биоритмы: если принимать до обеда, то даёт энергию, а если во второй половине дня – то хороший сон и расслабление.

Wheatgrass не имеет аналогов и считается самым полезным напитком, который имеет натуральное происхождение. Способствует похудению, интенсивно очищеает организм от токсинов и канцерогенов, он оказывает омолаживающий эффект. Повышает иммунитет, лечит анемию, а его тонизирующие действия придают силы и энергии. Повышается работоспособность и активность. Нет противопоказаний к его употреблению кроме индивидуальной непереносимости :)


Of all my experiments, the best combination I think is Wheatgrass + Peach :) Because the aroma of a peach blends perfectly with the aroma of freshly cut grass) and sweetness complements each other)

And among all the peaches there was such a funny peach in a proud profile with a funny nose, which undoubtedly made me smile and share with you)

Из всех моих экспериментов самой удачной комбинацией я считаю Wheatgrass + Персик :) Потому что аромат персика прекрасно сочетается с ароматом свежескошенной травы) и сладость дополняет друг друга)

А ещё среди всех персиков попался вот такой смешной персик в гордым профилем с со смешным носом, который несомненно заставил меня улыбнуться и поделиться с вами)



I want to grow wheatgrass at home later and I will try it like you:)

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It sounds great) you try it and write your first impressions) it will be very interesting to me)

This is amazing, I just made wheatgrass peach smoothie last week. You are so right, they go so well toghether and sooooo healthy. You did an excelent job growing it too. Well done my Dear 🍑🌿🍑
1 Collage.jpg

ohh, how cool it is)
thank you very much😊

That is a new combination for me but it sounds very delicious. I like wheatgrass and it's very healthy too! Oh, and peaches..yum! Good luck with the contest!

you should definitely try)
is the best combination that I found during my experiments)
Thank you very much, dear 😊

yummy, yummy!

Yay… wheat grass shots for the win!! Great post @inna-world. I’d come over to your pad for a refreshing juice shot anytime.

thank you for such a sweet comment)
Here it is just appropriate to drink a shot of wheatgrass for health)))

I’ll drink all of the “wheat” aka “turmeric” aka “ginger” shots for health. They actually tend to grow on you… flavorwise.

yes) let's get more smoothies and healthy juices in our life)

Yes please… I second that motion :)

пилять...так шо же все таки лучше: трава или первые росточки миллиметровые? я в основном слышу только о них, что именно там максимум полезности, но и трава эта популярная. но я ее ни разу не делала еще)

Узбагойся) ответ мне неизвестен)))

За 2 дня получаются проростки - кушаешь их) а когда этим же проросткам 7 дней - уже и витграссу можно надоить))))

Happy to see another new face in the contest, especially with such a healthy entry! I do a lot of sprouting at home, but I have never tried wheatgrass. Perhaps I need to finally give it a try. Thanks for sharing!

thank you for your kindly greeting 😊
you should definitely try wheatgrass 😊
the time has come 😉

Yay, I'm glad to have you with us, soon you can't live without Fruits and Veggies Monday, haha! Such an interesting post, I've never even thought about growing wheatgrass, now I know exactly how to do it. Your juice looks super delicious, green juices are really appealing in my opinion! I bet the combination of wheatgrass and peach tastes yummy too. Great first entry, @inna-world! I hope to see you next week as well! :)

thank you for the warm welcome)

green juice really looks beautiful, but you still need to get used to its exotic taste)

Thank you, I will try to negotiate with my laziness next week too :)

Awesome that you grow your own wheatgrass - you hear so much about the health benefits of wheatgrass juice and I regularly used to put some of its powder in my smoothies. But somehow I never considered growing it myself though it seems so easy.

Such a great inspiration! ☺️

growing up is always a pleasure to watch how life is born) + more economical) be sure to try at least 1 time)

Oh yes, I did some sprouting back in the days and it was miraculous watching them grow - especially since it goes so fast with such plants. 🤗

As a travel I don't have the equipment for growing stuff on the go, but you definitely got me inspired for a new backpack design with a wheatgrass growing unit. 😏

it sounds great😊
I even could not imagine such a thing that such a thing could be invented😊although with a strong desire everything is possible 😊

Well, I bet that has to be a challenge for the more crazy minds out there. 😄

I thought people grow the wheat only for decoratives here in my country.. LOL, never knew that you can consume the raw wheat grass, thank you @inna-world, thanks for sharing this with us

I did not know myself until I accidentally met a post on the Internet and decided to try it) I like to try new things)

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