A Salad For Fall Season

It is Monday, a day to join #fruitsandveggiesmonday, hosted by the talented @lenasveganliving!

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Let me tempt you in making this drooling salad, which is tasty, healthy, and most importantly easy enough to whip up in less than 30 minutes. Moreover, this salad will make your mouth happy and give your taste bud a kick.

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You will need:
2 sweet potatoes, cut into cubes
half a purple onion, sliced
half a can of chick peas
Arrange the sweet potatoes, chick peas and purple onion on a baking sheet.

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I have to apologize for this picture! I forgot to take a photo of this dressing and have already used half of it to marinate the sweet potatoes and chick pea.

Anyway, prepare your dressing:

1 teaspoon of minced garlic
1/2 cup of olive oil
1/4 cup of lemon juice
1 teaspoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of cumin, or curry powder
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon of cayenne powder
salt and pepper to taste
Mix all of these ingredients well, and used some to marinate your sweet potatoes and chicken peas before bake it in the oven for 20 minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are cooked.

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After the sweet potatoes, chick peas, and purple onion are done, put them on top of your salad and pour the rest of your dressing over it. Toss well and serve!
It looks like a lot to do and lot of ingredients, but actually, it is not that bad. Mostly are spices powder that you already have in the house. I know, because I am not fond of complicated recipes and always prefer for simple things, fast cooking, and not a lot of ingredients.

Text and Photos @IcyBC All Rights Reserved!

(PS--This post is also on WEKU)

Your salad looks absolutely delicious @icybc! Can't beat some roasted sweet potato, must really transform this dish :D

Thanks @gardeningchef..even the plain chickpeas tasted goo :-)

This is my kind of salad! Looks delicious! I only recently discovered how good roasted red onion is, but now I am starting to use it almost any time I roast veggies. It adds such a great flavor, though I'm sure your spice mixture in that dressing add some excellent flavor, as well! Have a great week @icybc!

Thank you @plantstoplanks..the cinnamon made the house smell so good too, lol...

Baked sweet potatoes must be added a different tasty flavour to this salad @icybc, anyway.. did you eat the salad without other side dishes? Like rice or bread?

Thanks @cicisaja I ate only the salad. It has everything I need, but if I had croutons, I would add it too :-) instead of bread...

😂😂 you'd be surprise if you saw my plate 😊 I have rice, salad and chicken curry too.. well if I have salt fish in chili sauce.. you'lk find it too on my plate 😊 I wonder how can people survive to live with only salad 😯 but you're a vegan.. you must be healthier than me😉

How something this simple can look so beautiful and appetizing? I'd love to have bowl of your salad anytime! Roasted chickpeas are so tasty, at one point I was eating them everyday, I just couldn't get enough of them, haha! I'm not a huge fan of sweet potato, I like my dishes more savory, but I can imagine that this is delicious! 😋 Amazing recipe, @icybc!

We always roast sweet potatoes in the fall. And squash too but that takes awhile. Looks yummy @icybc First photo is beautiful

Most definitely a taste bud kick Icy, which I could tell already from looking at the photo. Absolutely love everything about it and your photography is excellent! Well done my Dear 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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Thank you, dear Lena!

Yes, this looks so good. I’ll take anything with sweet potatoes in it and that dressing sounds delicious too. The salad, the colors, the ingredients all photographed really well @icybc and I bet tasted even better. Good entry !

Thank you so much @puravidaville! It tastes very good, and it is filling enough to carry me through the night..

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