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RE: The Perfect Pot Luck Dish, for Fruits and Veggies Monday

At this stage in my life, I have come to the conclusion that you're either a cook or you're not. We eat only raw in my house.
I love quinoa and having recently feasted upon quinoa and cuscus, spring onions, spinach and avocado made by my chef brother in law, I decided last week to give it a go. He gave me step by step, foolproof instructions and off I went.
Suffice to say that the morning after, the pigeons on the square outside enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast.


lol that does sound like bird food to me, especially if the quinoa and cous cous were raw!

yeah I was in the restaurant business for more than 30 years. In the kitchen and as an owner. You might not be able to tell from my recipes, but I hate cooking now. I'd much rather spend 8 hours prodcing a blog post about food (writing out a recipe, providing images, doing research, meticulous layouting, proofreading a gazillion times, marketing (taggging) and publishing) than 1/2 hour cooking. For this, I had to do both.

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