
Celebrations are best made with chocolate! My precious baby boy turned one this weekend. To celebrate he had his first chocolate. A mama made; all healthy, superfood powered, all raw, all vegan, cacao ganache cake topped with a goat. To be honest he was more excited about the goat!


My little farm boy's first and favourite foods are things like superfood smoothies, Barley Green, sauerkraut, lemon (yes, you read correctly - lemon!), cinnamon and chia porridge. He has never had sugar or grains. Did you know that while the world advocates rice cereals, gluten and sucrose loaded formula, teething biscuits and other horrors for small babies these are probably the worst introductory foods? The immature virgin gut is unable to handle grains and sugars. And in this refined flour obsessed era it is no easy task avoiding the gluten. Wherever we look we are faced with pasta, cereals, breads, snacks. Our digestive system is ill equipped to handle the onslaught. It is no wonder so many have gut issues and food allergies. We think that healthy must taste horrible but this is not at all the case!


When I make raw cacao chocolate my little boy always asks for some but it was only when turning one that I gave him his first, honey sweetened taste. His reactions were interesting. More ended up on his face and fingers. But, after a few tastes he asked for the avo over the chocolate. His watching grandparents were dumbfounded. I, of course, am delighted. While I do not want to deprive him, I do not wish to fight with him over whether he will or will not have "just one little mouthful of veggies".


1 cup almonds soaked overnight
1 cup of depitted dates with enough water to cover
dash of salt
dash of vanilla seeds
500ml water
Rinse and dry almonds. Blend dates and date water in power blender. Remove. Add almonds, vanilla, salt and water. On high, blend.


Strain the almonds through cheesecloth - this is a time consuming process. You want the almond pulp quite dry. The almond milk that remains is delicious and can be refrigerated to drink cold or added to fruit smoothies. It'll last 1 week. Mix the date paste and almond pulp together and press into your cake pan. My favourite is this silicon mould on its glass top. Refrigerate while you are making the filling.


5 large ripe avos
1 cup raw organic cacao
1/2 cup honey (or maple syrup)
1/3 cup coconut oil (melted)
Dash of vanilla pod
Blend all together in a food processor until smooth. Taste. You can tweak the filling by adding more cacao or honey for a darker or sweeter consistency.


Spread the delicious soft chocolate ganache on top of your almond crust. Refrigerate. This lasts well for a week. Believe me people are shocked to discover there's actually a veggie in this yummy cake! Avo is a nutrient dense whole food. Of course it is also a good fat which is essential for brain and heart health. Combined with all the other wonderful ingredients this Chocolate Ganache is really a superfood which can be eaten - guilt free - for breakfast!


How true is Hippocrates statement; "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food". Our modern lifestyles have taken us so far from this ideal way of living. It is time to return to our nourishing traditions of wholesome and exciting foods. It is therefor thrilling to me to give my little son a good foundation. He is so excited about the diverse and colourful options of food. And he is flourishing!


In honour of the 49th week of the #fruitsandveggiesmonday challenge, held by lovely @lenasveganliving, I'm sharing the ganache birthday celebration for my healthy, enthusiastic one year old Son!



Excellent post again my child!
Make sure that you keep that recipe to hand on my next visit!!!!

Thanks Dad. Last time I made one of these was at Hornbill Cafe!! Best you come before I finish this cake

This is a very big celebration my Dear, Happy 1st Birthday to your little angel. I can imagine, that cake must be sooo delicious, yet higly nutritious. Well done!
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Happy dance!!! My little one year old just started walking and was rewarded with the last teeny slice of that yummy cake. So thank you so much @lenasveganliving (By the way please forgive the slip up! I'm sorry - we don't get maple syrup here and I missed the honey non-vegan aspect!)

One of the happiest moments in mommies lives and as a grandma of two year old twins I can totally relate. I am soooooo happy for you my Dear and for your little one 🌸💖🌸

Also, your are going to take the HONORABLE GUEST JUDGE SEAT next Monday, so we need to connect via my BLOG, in order to communicate by email. I hope to hear from you soon and I will send you all the instructions. I wish you a wonderful weekend and lots of joy with your sweet boy 🌸💖🌸

Oh yes! I forgot Lena. I'm relieved we can email as I'm not on discord. Had a peep at your lovely blog and following on fb. I sent a message. Will chat to you via email then

Thank you so much Tracey, I just replied 🌸💖🌸

That looks and sounds amazing! Yum!

It is! And really easy to make

howdy there @buckaroo! man that looks good. And look at that little goat on top! haha! brilliantly made healthy chocolate, great job!

Thank you @janton! Yes, of course, with a goatie mad mama there's inevitably goatie other things

howdy again @buckaroo! haha! "a goatie mad mama"! very good!

The most important is your son's anniversary. Happy Birthday! I see him in your posts as naturally playing around the animals. I'd love to see him over ten years ... a real farmer! (there are plenty of conditions to be met ... there will be Steemit ... you still have Steemit ... I'm pretty old ...). A very good blog, like all your blogs. I've noticed the evolution, which I anticipated ... and I'm proud of it.

That is so funny @bluemoon! All sounds about right minus the old part ;)

You are too kind to me, thank you ... it was not a coquetry ... from an age you have to be careful when you talk about the future (plus my pessimistic strucure)

That's one good cake in a simple way, loved the goat on the cake though, that is some good love in between the kid and the goat. That's a very good way of making kids love animals and taking care of them. Good presentations too (y)

Thanks @hananali! It is a good way of teaching children about animals. But on the other hand it is inherited! My son loves animals, like me, like my Dad, like my grandmother

That's right, children do what their parents do and they learn out of what they see their parents doing. Its inherited and its that kids learn faster too. But being an example of love and care for our kids so that they can follow the same is exemplary :) Am glad people at west are gong the right way with their kids

I love that goat decoration, so cute! And Happy 1st Birthday to the Birthday Boy! 😊

It's so great to see how people like do are doing their very best to provide a good foundation to their children. Too often young children are being taught to eat plenty of sugar, salt and animal fats, which can be really addictive! This healthy, yet delicious cake is so much better alternative to all the sugar-loaded treats! 😊

Thank you so much @jasmink! Yes, sadly it is the "norm" as opposed to healthy. But I find that parents are still very ignorant of a better way to raise children in the food area

That's true. I hope there will be a huge change in the near future. At least the vegan movement is spreading relatively quickly, and I hope at the same time people will learn and educate themselves more about nutrition!

For me the key is nutrition. I know many vegetarians and vegans who have just as terrible a diet as the next person. Personally I'm no longer a vegan but I refuse to eat anything from the regular meat market. What happens in the meat industry is horrific and cruel. I believe that if you want to eat meat you should only do so (in moderation) when you lovingly raise and humanely slaughter yourself. Otherwise do without.

So well said, I completely agree with you! What I wanted to say with the vegan movement is that I think it has put people's focus more in nutrition. At least some people are starting to realize how much nutrients plant include and incorporate more of them into their diet, even if they wouldn't change anything else about their diet! 😊

Wow, your cake looks great. It reminded me of the chocolate cake my birthday girlfriend made me, great job. Congratulations.

I always love seeing mamas take such wonderful care to nourish their little ones with such beautiful and healthy food! I don't have any kiddos myself, but it still warms my heart very much to see. It is so important not only for their own health, but instills such great habits and awareness that will make them good stewards of this Earth when their turn comes!

So well put @plantstoplanks! Thank you for the lovely response

This is a wonderful post @buckaroo Your little boy is off to a great start in life with all that healthy food. Love your photos, particularly the one with your son and the goat enjoying getting to know each other.

Thank you @trudeehunter. He loves our goats, just like mama! Some of them are really affectionate with him. Some still a little nervous

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