Revealed! This is the Reason Why Empty Cucumbers Are Only in the Month of Ramadan
Many people wonder why cucumber fruit is only in Ramadan, not in other months? Well, this could be the reason you know.Well, that region, planting cucumber suri not know the seasons. The assumption that arises is already a habit of demand for consumption cucumber suri jumped on Ramadan. Meanwhile, in other months, demand cucumber quiet deserted. It is for this reason that the peasants speculate to compete to plant cucumber seeds ahead of Ramadan. So actually cucumber sold a lot in the month of Ramadan because farmers in droves to plant fruit. Understandably, the delicious fruit as a meal of breaking the fast itself does not have a special season to grow.
The content of 'terrible' cucumber suri Although it bears the name "cucumber", but cucumber suri is different from cucumber although the fruit shape is also elongated like cucumber vegetable. Cucumber sura cytology (cell structure and function) as well as morphology (outer form and order of living things) is very different from cucumber vegetable. This is evident from the shape of the leaves, seed size, and taste. The fruit is closer to melons and cantaloupe. Uncle cucumber is not included in the cucumber family, but instead into the family of pumpkins (Cucubitceae) such as melons, watermelon, and cantaloupe. Farmers recognize cucumbers as a recalcitrant plant. Although the pest is like pests in cucumbers, but cucumbers suri rarely give up in the face of these pests. Solar cucumber fruit is useful in preventing the incidence of gastrointestinal cancer. Cucumber suri rich in provitamin A, serves to maintain eye health and as a natural antioxidant that fight free radicals cause premature aging. The high vitamin C in cucumber suri function as anti-virus and prevent infection. In addition to vitamins, essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron are also present in the cucumber. Water content up to 90 percent, causing cucumber suri has diuretic effect, can facilitate urination and neutralize and remove toxins. With regular consumption of cucumber fruits, toxins will be removed through the urine. Clinically, the cucumber contains glucose and fructose, which are easily digested by the body. Therefore, many people feel more comfortable breaking the fast with cucumber cucumber because more quickly restore energy after a day of fasting and do not get nutritional intake. Eat this fruit should be on an empty stomach, then give a break if you want to eat other heavy foods for better absorption of nutrients. If consumed after heavy meals such as rice and side dishes can cause fermentation in the stomach that makes us feel sebah. For diabetics should be careful eating this fruit because the sugar content in it including the type of monosaccharide. The sugar content can quickly raise blood sugar levels, which actually endanger the diabetics.