Inspirational Books and Videos since 2016... (My journey as a Fruitarian)

in #fruitarian7 years ago

Right at the beginning of 2016, I began to eat fruit. A lot of fruit... more fruit in a single day than I would typically eat in a week or even a whole month! This was such a special time for me, and that time ever since has truly been a Renaissance of my life. Even today I am surrounded by this constant explosion of new ideas, new truth, and deeper understandings.

Looking for Book Recommendations?

  • Explore the human being's natural diet.
  • Heal your discomforts and diseases.
  • Reach a new level of mental clarity and awareness.
  • See right through the people's ill intentions like a pro :)

The mind and body of a fruitarian is light years more developed and advanced than that of the Standard American Diet (SAD) eater. It even puts vegetarianism and veganism to shame. Ultimately, there is no shame in any of this. To the common vegan mindset, food items will be identified as "good for you" or "bad for you". To the common fruitarian mindset, food items are "less optimal" or "more optimal"--it's about the optimal nature of your food quality.

My wish is for everyone to remember how much they love to eat fruit. There's a reason for it. That sweet, perfect hydration will enable you to become a real human being.

Mucusless Diet Healing System, by Arnold Ehret

This book came to me as a recommendation, and since I've always had a deep interest in what our species consumes as "fuel", I gave it a try. When I read the author's words of about, "Know that man is only meant to eat fruit and starchless vegetables," I thought to myself, "Oh ya, this book and I are going to get along just great!" This book is truly a gem of insight into Professor Arnold Ehret's experiences...

Rational Fasting, by Arnold Ehret

Before I read any of Professor Arnold Ehret's materials, I was clueless of my fear to not eat. I was also clueless that so many people also suffer from this unreasonable fear. Afraid to miss a meal? Relax: you will survive. Afraid to lose muscle? Relax: you will gain it back easily. Afraid you will die? Relax: you're still alive. Another goodie from Arnold Ehret, even though it is mostly reiterating and reinforcing knowledge from this book and the previous mentioned book, is his Definite Cure of Chronic Constipation

YouTube: John Rose

John Rose woke me up to realize that I had a ton of crap inside of my body--literally inside of my bowels. While it is useful to identify the problem, it is even better when we have guidance to the solution. John Rose also preaches the solution to remove most of the toxic crap stuck in our bowels and re-polluting our blood stream.

From Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls: The Teachings of Jesus to the Essenes (The Essene Gospel of Peace Book 9)

This is the first of "The Essene Gospel of Peace" books that I had read. Before reading this book, I had zero interest in prayer. And then I remembered that man has made continuous observations (especially in the field of quantum physics) that our mental focus and conscious attention is known to 1) change the state of matter, 2) have a measurable influence over random distribution, and 3) "suspiciously" manifest our desires.

This book (Book 9) lists the systematic prayers used by the Essenes. I practiced these prayers for about 3 months, and those experiences alone were awesome.

The Essene Gospel of Peace, Book One

Medically, nutritionally, scientifically, spiritually, and philosophically, this book... is... Awesome. Although I was not aware, it was by no coincidence that I read this book during my first major fast. The first "major" fast that I did was a 60 day juice feast in September and October of 2016. This book served as constant inspiration during the fast.

YouTube: Dan the Man -- Life Regenerator

I am attracted to "truth", and Dan is one of many who are brave enough to give us the truth even when we cannot handle the truth. I used his videos, along with many others, to "program" myself into a new direction. Here's a video from Dan McDonald that I enjoy...

Pranic Nourishment - Nutrition for the New Millennium, by Jasmuheen

Each time I read this book, I realize how much from it I missed in the past. Jasmuheen's "Living on Light" series is excellent. Her book is super controversial, and you know what? I'm happy that I can appreciate and listen to people with very new ideas. Who wants to be the idiot fool portrayed in movies based on "peasants" of the 1600s? We all have greater potential than that, and we are all responsible to help the idiot fool of 2018 to wake up from their zombie state.

...said with love :) <3

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush by Andreas Moritz

Between his book and Viktoras Kulvinskas's Survival in the 21st Century: Planetary Healers Manual, the details on human digestion brought me to the conclusion that humanity's digestive tract and nutritional assimilation is simpler and less complex than what I learned from all of this "peer-reviewed and super scientific" non-sense.

YouTube: Ray Maor

When it comes to manifestation, Ray Maor knows what's up. He went 10 days without water on an Israeli television show to demonstrate that humanity's beliefs and the scientific norm on human nutrition are.....DOGMA. Oh, man... I am soooo happy that I am not stuck on that scientific research dogma! I was once such a fool to believe all of that bull shit I learned in the education system :)

If you like Wim Hof (attention @flipstar !), I believe you'll also like this short video...

YouTube: Dr. Robert Morse

He has tons of videos. Much of this information I found very useful to program in my sleep and to listen as I was awake. This helped me re-surface my intellectual language so I could speak again with people who are lost in their own intellectual ego, such as medical doctors, nurses, and obviously unhealthy people that believe they hold the keys to health.

Some honorable mentions...

And I truly look forward to sharing with you the materials of 2018 that I am passionate about :) In fact, all you need to do is follow me here on Steem for more information about that!

I most likely forgot a book or 2, and if I did, my edit update will tag everyone who has written a comment below.

Thank you! :)

It is my wish to serve you with these words!

Some info about me: I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2010. By trade I am an expert on blockchain technology. I am the Project Director for Wall of Coins, and CEO for Genitrust, Inc. I eat primarily fruits and leafy greens ("fruitarian"). This is known as a frugivorous diet, which is the diet by design of the human species and most primates. I don't cook my fruits, so you may also call this "raw vegan". I have eaten virtually every food item and major cultural style on this planet. I have experienced long periods of many different diet regimens: acid/alkaline, ketogenic, vegan, etc. In my spare time as a child, and an adult, I truly relished reading articles, books, and research papers on nutritional observation. I also enjoy and frequently practice long periods of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

Thank you for reading, upvoting, tipping, and re-steeming!
Robert Genito
Steemit | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook are all @robertgenito


I have Learn alot from this i am going to let my friends on steemit know about this even those outside steemit thanks alot love this post

You are very welcome!! Ty for letting me know!

Nice post! I would also add Tony Wright's book — Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness.

He discuses how humans evolved by eating fruit in the forest and how since leaving the forest into the Savannah and eventually to temperate and cold climates, we have devolved into being left-brain dominant(typical mammalian wiring) due to the suppression of hormones and chemicals from a mainly fruitarian diet. I highly recommend.

Good one! Ty for contributing :)

Whats your take on teeth damage Robert, Ive heard that it can rot your teeth if you're not careful? Do you clean them more than average or use a special toothpaste, or it doesnt affect you?

Don’t be afraid: Teeth that rot also un-rot. In other words: “rotting teeth” is merely a detox symptom. One day I will post about my hygiene habits, and I will give you a sneak peek: I rarely brush my teeth, and it has been this way for over 2 years. I should have at least cavities by now, don’t ya think? ;) don’t worry about natural processes such as the decalcification and recalcification of your teeth; nature will balance it out.

Interesting! I look forward to hearing this method, its a new one on me. Thanks for sharing.

Interesting. I have already known some of your recommendations and I think I will check out some of the others as well. I read quite some things on human nutrition and how it affects our health. I must admit I am just a little bit sceptical about eating only raw fruits. Maybe if you live in the climate that provides you with fresh fruits all year around. Fruits are definitely a huge part of my diet in summer, but now, in winter time, with temperatures falling bellow freezing point, I just don't feel like cutting up a watermelon. My main rule of thumb when it comes to food is ‘eat organic and, above all, local and, of course, as unprocessed as possible’. We just don't get much fruit here during the three winter months.
Just curious, what was your diet like before switching to fruitarianism? SAD? In that case I totally believe you went through a personal renaissance after the switch, cause that diet is exactly what it says it is – sad. 😏
Looking forward to learning more about your views on nutrition.

I’d like to start with a few things that are helpful for you to consider:

  1. Remember: cooking your food is also “processing” your food.
  2. Follow fruitarians on YouTube. You will vicariously learn from them at first, and you’ll find fruitarians that live in the cold and the tropical.
  3. Check out my previous posts—many are about nutrition, and no where do I hold back on delivering the unpopular truth :)

Before switching to fruitarian, I was vegan for 6 months. Prior to that I was a fast-food junkie!

Thanks for replying. Of course, I'm aware that cooking is also a form of processing, that's why I went with ‘as unprocessed as possible’. 😉
What I wanted to say was that I personally see that depending on the season different food appeals to me.
Originally (growing up and way into young adulthood) my diet was pretty lamentable. I was never into fast-food, but I ate a lot of ‘whites’, above all highly processed sugar and flour (a sweet tooth at its best, or should I say at its worse). I could eat sweets all year around and all day long. I did notice, however, that once you change your eating habits (for me that meant eliminating any sugars that are not already naturally present in foods, as well as milk and meat) and your body has had the time to cleanse itself, you start to feel your body and its needs, also the nutritional ones. So, I usually just listen to it and eat what ‘it’ wants. And that usually turns out to be quite healthy stuff.
I'll check your previous posts when I get a chance. Will have to pick up the kids from school soon, but first I have to prepare some healthy snacks for them. 😉

Preparing healthy snacks for the kids... how sweet :) ty for the info and comment; you will get so much from the post :)

A very interesting collection of books and videos. I already know some of them and will definitely check out your recommendations one by one in the following days 😉 It is exciting how much great content is out there, just waiting for us to be explored and used for improving our life ☺️

Indeed! I always love looking at what info is inspiring others...especially book lists and mini libraries :)

Music to my ears. Thank you so much for sharing this post. You have reminded me of the next transition to be made.

Come spring there will be fruit... a lot of fruit :)

You are soooo welcome! Enjoy your fruit!!!

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