fruit dates

in #fruit6 years ago

Dates (Arabic: تمر, Tamr; Latin namePhoenix dactylifera) is a palm plant (Arecaceae) in the genusPhoenix, the fruit is edible.

Although the place of origin is unknown because it has long been cultivated, it is likely that this plant originated from the land surrounding the Persian Gulf . Medium-sized trees with a height of about 15-25 m, grow singly or form clumps on a number of stems from a single root system. The leaves have a length of 3-5 m, with spines on the petiole, pinnate and have about 150 shoots of young leaves; its young leaves are 30 cm in length and 2 cm wide. The full range of crowns ranges from 6-10 m.
the majority grow in the Middle East region. The holy book of Muslims, the Qur'an, mentions dates in 21 verses. Prophet Muhammad himself has also mentioned several times about dates and some properties.

Dates are not just consumed immediately to obtain the benefits but also by soaking them to obtain nabeez water. The water is water immersion from dates or raisins throughout the night (8-12 hours) by using a closed container that has been in the contents of cooking water and drink the next day. This water can last up to 1-2 days when stored in the refrigerator. The benefit is that it can help to dispose of risky substances in the body, help to restore the digestive system, and dispose of acid superiority in the stomach.

Not just the fruit, but also the date palm has benefits. The step is by drying it until the fry and then roasted and pounded to form like coffee beans and ready to be brewed. In 100 grams of dates palm there is a protein of 5, 2%, fat 9, 32%, fiber 13, 6%, yellow-green oil of 8%. From the processed date palm seeds, can be used as a scrub with mixed with olive oil and honey. For baldness problems, you can give powdered dates with olive oil and applied to the head.
The benefits of dates

Dates have enormous benefits to overcome anemia, and can be useful as a dietary supplement for rich bodies, helping you in the fight against obesity, etc.

  1. Maintain bone strength
    High content of minerals in dates, is essential for strengthening bones and fighting osteoporosis.

The content of selenium, manganese, copper, and magnesium, all of which play an important role in the process of growth and strength of bones, especially for people who are getting older and their bones begin to fragile and weaken.

Eating dates reveals the risk of brittle bones, especially in elderly people. For the consumption of dates and feel the benefits of bone.

  1. Dates give a sense of satiety
    In Dates, in it contain vitamins that are sufficient for the body, but it also contains minerals such as selenium, magnesium, copper and some other content.

Very well, the dates contained many fibers, is very useful to provide a longer satiety, which is very good to suppress our appetite, to avoid excessive eating.

From research conducted by health experts, eating a few seeds of dates regularly (every day) helps the body and the brain in regulating hormone secretion, which ultimately sends signals to the brain for the body to feel always full.

It is also from the experience of people who consume dates, feel longer satiety. This is useful to suppress the habit of excessive consumption of food quantities.

Each of the date palms are beneficial to lose weight (if you are obese). Regarding this, recall the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

لا يجوع أهل بيت عندهم التمر

"Will not starve the household of someone who has dates in it". (H.R Muslim).

  1. Dates are useful to overcome constipation
    Dates are useful to overcome the problem of constipation, it is because the content in the dates play a role to launch the digestive system. Dates maintain the process of the digestive system in order to run well and smoothly, and increase the body's metabolism.

Dates can act as laxatives. The trick is to first soak the fruit dates by using boiled water for the night.

The next day, you can consume the soaked date palm. You drank along with the water of his batter.

Dates fruit efficacious in overcoming the digestive problem, it's because the fiber content in it is very high. Thus, the regular eating dates can maintain health and smooth the body's digestive system.

  1. Dates stimulate the digestive system
    Dates contain substances that are beneficial to increase good bacteria and kill harmful bacteria that are harmful to the body. So the role of dates is so great for digestion can always work well,

With digestion that works optimally, it is very useful if it is being handled, as it helps you in the effort to lose weight.

With high fiber content and amino acid content, dates useful to help the process of digestion of food, which means able to alleviate the work of the digestive system, as a result of digestive problems such as constipation, etc. can be prevented its appearance.

  1. Maintain heart health
    Dates can also be used to maintain heart health. One of the recipes is quite good, by soaking the dates overnight, then pounded in the morning, then just eaten.

With it, dates will provide great benefits and have a good impact on the weak heart.

Dates rich in potassium sources, from research that has been done show that the potassium content is useful to reduce the risk of a person affected by stroke, as well as to reduce the level of LDL cholesterol in the body. bad cholesterol (LDL) is the cause of heart disease.

  1. Helps to decipher the fat
    In dates contained potassium and sulfur substances that have benefits to help maintain heart health, and beneficial to break the fat in the body. Cholesterol and fat become the scourge and the main cause of obesity in a person.

In the dates contained only healthy nutrition, very useful to nourish and facilitate the process of digestion. So the dates are very friendly to be consumed for you who want to lose weight.

Diligent consumption of dates, especially in the morning can improve the quality of the body's metabolism, and help us to be able to quickly lose weight naturally and safely.

  1. Increase energy in the body
    Date palms have a fairly high natural sugar content such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose, which although high in content, will remain safe because it is natural.

So that dates can be said excellent snacks for the body that requires extra energy quickly.

Many people in this world who consume dates as snacks when they feel sleepy and tired, so the benefits are very large in supporting the productivity of daily activities.

That way, consuming Dates is not only good for the health of the body, besides that you can be very easy in the effort to lose weight, and there are many other benefits on dates that we really need.

  1. Overcoming intestinal disorders
    Date palms contain soluble and insoluble fibers, as well as a nutritious amino acid to stimulate the digestion of food and the process of making optimal digestion.

With good digestion then make the body able to absorb a maximum of many nutrients that enter the body (from food consumed).

Eating dates regularly is able to inhibit the growth of pathological microorganisms and helps stimulate good bacteria for the body, it is very good for intestinal organ health.

Dates can reduce the risk of colon cancer. Dates rich in fiber help the intestinal mucous membrane and bind to chemicals, thus preventing the incidence of colon cancer.

The texture of palm juice is smooth, it is safe to consume for sensitive stomach and for people with colitis.

  1. Overcoming anemia
    High levels of minerals in dates have important benefits. Such as iron that intake is very ditubuhkan by people with anemia. The content of iron (which is a mineral) in the fruit dates very much.

High content of iron is able to overcome the problem of iron deficiency in patients with anemia.

So that the patient will slowly increase energy and energy, and prevent the body back easily tired and lethargic.

  1. Health of the nervous system
    Vitamin content in dates is useful for maintaining the function of the nervous system. The potassium content promotes a healthy and responsive nervous system, so as to improve the ability to think well.

Thus, dates are a good source of food for the aging people, whose nervous system power (including memory and thinking) begins to decline. With date consumption helps to keep the sharpness of mind.

  1. Overcoming diarrhea
    Potassium content, is quite known to be effective in dealing with diarrhea problems. Dates are easily swallowed, useful to alleviate the problem of chronic diarrhea.

Soluble fiber in dates also helps the healing process of diarrhea, by assisting bowel performance and promoting healthy functioning of the disposal system (BAB).

  1. The great benefits of water consumption and dates
    Researchers and health experts explain that when most fasting is bai is berbua with water and natural sugar. Natural sugar contained in dates is one of the best quality sugar in the world.

The results also show that with water consumption and dates every day, for twenty days or thirty days to give the efficacy of preventing various toxins accumulated in the body.

In addition, vitality also becomes much better than before. This is reminiscent of the saying of the Prophet shalallahu'alaihi wa sallam:

ذا أفطر أحدكم فليفطر على تمر فإنه بركة, فإن لم يجد تمرا فالماء فإنه طهور

"If one of you breaks the fast then eat the date palm because it contains blessing and if not get dates then with water because it is a symbol of cleanliness". (H. R Abu Daud).

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