Oh wow, I've missed that one so far. Have you?!

in #from-somee5 years ago (edited)

If you want to have the whole fun, watch the second video. For the short cut, watch the first at first. It's only 7 minutes. Must see!

If you want to have the whole story first, watch the third video. It's a documentory on this remarkable personality - remarkable no matter if you like it or not.

This third video is only 54 minutes and I could only watch it until minute 17 for hitting pause, find the other two videos and watch them at first - in the order that I prepared them here.

PS: It exhausting at times to hear what both are saying (in video 1 and 2), because they cut each other short all the time. Yet I have not taken out my dictonary as often as this for a long time while watching and enjoyed it (e.g. newer heard the term lambaste before; and didn't know anyone can be lambasted via a text comment LOL).

PPS: If it's to fast, use the "k" key for a 15 seconds rewind. I love this function when watching videos and missing some punchline here and there.



Side note: Minute 15:12 to 15:23 big laughter I had to watch multiple times ROFLOL!!

PPPS: I remember another Scientist who wrote substantial things about masculine and feminine traits worth a read: Leonard Sax.


Intakes opposed to outtakes: Let's take another video I found

The third video as discovered at the timeline of https://somee.social/profile/trygve-knapstad . Thanks for sharing!

PPPPS: I still have not seen the 3rd video through until the end, because my browser crashed and I dicided to go sleep then first.

This post is on SoMee as well https://somee.social/profile/posts/43431 It has been tweeked a little over here just to add some keywords and add a full title. SoMee is in early beta and very promising. The more it is supported, the more the content creators and curators are invested as well. Take a look! Ask questions!!


I've added another posting on this video to my blog. It's at https://steemit.com/from-somee/@andrepol/2019-8-1-20-43-35-502

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