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RE: When You Have One. III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #friendship6 years ago

I like this. I have truly learned to focus on what is present as opposed to what is absent or missing. The only time I need contemplation, is when I must consider whether the appreciation I have for someone’s qualities or being, overrides the unacceptability of the severity of their less finer qualities. If unacceptable behavior is paramount and persistent, I must set boundaries and/or remove myself. However, it is highly possible to maintain appreciation for their finer qualities, even then. This is a state birthed from self-love. How I appreciate myself is exactly the level at which I am able to appreciate others
Thanks for sharing this @olawalium and thanks to @communitycoin also


I totally love this. Yes, how you appreciate yourself is how you appreciate others and setting boundaries is actually very needed when the other person isn't appreciating or reciprocating your gestures.

You always speak deeper, I like it. Well done. Thank you for this.

Hahahaah thanks for your comment bro, that's just the fact,how you appreciate yourself is how you appreciate others,

Absolutely. Thanks a lot.

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