Dear bestfriend..

in #friendship7 years ago

Dear best friend, I won’t be what I am today without you. My life would be beelining towards eternal misery. Everything you find bad in yourself, I somehow find blissful. Your introverted self, your shy behavior, these so called flaws you despise, I think they’re just beautiful. Because they’re yours, and nothing of yours can ever be anything short of amazing.

I could spend my entire life iterating thank yous, and each million would be one short. You have made my existence meaningful, truly. In a world of 7 billion people, I am indebted to have met you. Maybe I don’t always tell it, maybe I don’t show it, but your very presence sparks me up! People say friends are god’s apology for parents, but I think you’re beyond just that. I think you’re the cumulative blessings of all the lives I’ve lived. You’re a brother, better half, my significant other. I will continue to be awed by you, eternally.

Dear best friend, if I could stop time, I’d do so in an instance to just cherish you. But then, we have a life to live, and I have mine with you. Thank you, soulmate.sam-manns-379040.jpg

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