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RE: When You Have One. III, Contributed by @Olawalium

in #friendship6 years ago

If you are blessed enough to have a special friend, who will do anything for you or go through any length for you, stick with them and look for ways of making them feel loved and appreciated

Having a boom companion wasn't easy to find, if you have friends that so enough love and care about everything you do, always there for you when you are in tight situation and always provide a sense of relief to you, you really have to show such friend the best they deserve, don't always let the care or attention be one-sided so that you will surely have no course for alarm when you needed help from them since they will always look out for you. There's this popular saying that respect is reciprocals; judging from this fact you should always be there for the people that values and ready to do anything for you in keeping the friendship so that the intimacy would be so strong and lasting.

It is not about doing tit-for-tat, but about placing appropriate value on those who mean so much to you

Placing appropriate values on those who loves you and care about you will go along way in building long lasting friendships. Appreciate people who stretch forth a helping hand to you because if you have problems they will always be there for you, cherish people and appreciate them and don't be a fair weather friend who only take delight when the going is beneficial.

Building a perfect relationship you have to remember this to err is human and to forgive divine, don't hold on to past and always forgive and forget, it is normal to be angry with your friends when one did something wrong but always talk things over and let go easily. Take no joy in your friend setbacks.

Remember this action speaks louder than words, if you wrong your friends and you are truly sorry it should be shown in your behaviour and attitude, "not like sorry now " I have been begging you since morning. Always take responsibility over any of your action.

Appreciate people that appreciate you, respect people that love you, take delight in assisting in friends in need, as they say a friend in need is a friend indeed, I rest my case.


don't always let the care or attention be one-sided so that you will surely have no course for alarm when you needed help from them since they will always look out for you

This got me. One sided friendship is crazy. It hurts so bad.
May God deliver us from wrong frienships

Amen, sister. it is better not to have friends at all than fall victim of wrong friends #bad company.

Another amazing comment. Respect is indeed reciprocal and we should always take responsibility for our actions. Thanks a lot brother.

Even if they don't appreciate you, try be good to them, you will win their heart with your good deeds

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