Mountain Of Life ❤️

in #friendsgroup6 years ago (edited)


Sometimes the challenges in life seem like a huge mountain that you barely dare to approach. In order to achieve such a self-imposed goal, you can take the cable car, but the experience of the way there you will be lost. Or you stay in the valley and continue to dream of the mountain. It is such an asset to be able to look from above on the way back, with all its exertions and unique moments. This fills you with pride and reverence for your own strength.

Depending on the size of your destination, the path is correspondingly long or arduous, perhaps also lively and full of cheerfulness. There is no universal formula, which distance you should have put back after a certain time on your personal life path.

Stones in the way are the lesson in life. If they did not exist, you would miss the experience of the challenge.

All human beings will realize that on high mountains, where the air is pure and thin, one breathes more freely and feels lighter and mentally lightened

(Jean-Jacques Rousseau, French-Swiss writer and philosopher, 1712 - 1778)

Climb the mountains and feel the good energy. Peace in nature will flow into you like the sunshine that nourishes the trees. The wind will refresh you, the storm will fill you with strength, and all your cares will fall away from you, like autumn leaves.

(John Muir, Scottish-American polymath, 1838-1914)

@Siamcat ❤️

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Challenges will be there aa you said however difficult path but we should struggle to reach oir destination.Really beautiful nature picture.Where you have taken it @ siamcat ? I want to see it

Thank you for your visiting @gaurang 😊

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