Who Are Your Friends?

in #friends7 years ago


A true friend should make you feel needed, confident and happy to be alive. If your friend always belittles you or makes you feel bad and never tells you a kind word when you need it, then that friend is not one. If you want to know if your friend is a good friend, see if he makes comments that encourage you.
See if your friend compliments you. If your friend really compliments you on everything from your new outfit to your work ethic, this friend is a good friend. If you can not remember the last time your friend complimented you, then you may have a problem.
Your friend should support you, even for insignificant things, it's positive for you as well as for him.
See if your friend encourages you. If your friend encourages you before an exam, a job interview or even a first date, then this friend is a true friend. If your friend does not give you any positive support, even when you need it, you may have a problem.
See if your friend is your fan. Even if your friend does not have to always encourage you, if your friend is a good friend, then he should be your fan and should always help you succeed, no matter what you do.

See if your friend is listening to you. If your friend is a true friend, then he should take the time to listen to what you have to say. In a true friendship, both people should share their ideas and gather feedback. If you find that your friend is still talking about his problems, but is bored or distracted as soon as it's time for you to share yours, you may have a fake friend on your arm. Friends are looking into each other's eyes as they talk together. Friends talk in turn, there is not one who talks all the time while the other listens. If your friend is talking all the time and you're still listening, it's certainly not a true friendship relationship.
Notice how your friend reacts when you try to share something. If he nods, keeps in touch with the eyes and supports you, then he is a good friend. However, if he looks around or checks his phone every time you talk for more than five minutes, then you have a bad friend on your arm.
Communication is essential in any relationship, especially friendship. If you and your friend are on the same page, then you should be open about your thoughts and feelings and maintain a level of honest and open dialogue. A friend cares for you. It may be small things like you do not look like you are on your plate today. When things get complicated, the real friends do not go around the bush, they have honest conversations and mature while going straight to the point.
If you know how to have an adult conversation when you are not happy with how your friend acted, then you have good communication. If you and your friend are comfortable saying, "I was really hurt you did not come to my party the other night" and talk about it, you have a strong friendship. No friendship is perfect and it is important to put things flat. If you never say anything when your friend upsets you because you think your friend is going to overreact or not listen, you have a problem.
See if your friend likes gossip too much. If your so-called friend is a big talker, it's likely that your friend will gossip about you when you're not there. Although everyone loves some juicy gossip on occasion, if you feel that your friend is still gossiping about someone or telling only bad things, chances are your "friend" will do the same. about you as soon as you have your back turned. Here are some ways to find out if your friend's gossip is out of control.
If your friend is talking about someone as soon as that person turns their backs, then that friend is probably not a good friend.
If your friend often speaks badly of the people he claims to be his closest friends, he must also do it for you.
If your friend always says negative things about those who are absent, that's a bad sign.


This is true, the true friend is your brother from another mother, the brother who always supports you, in good and in evil, wishing you the good which he wishes for himself, helps you with joy, because he feels that he helps himself, this person who considers himself and his friend as a single entity.

thank you so much for stopping by

You're welcome brother

I love this post regarding a Friends. It is so hard to find a true Friend today. Especially one you can trust. I am following and upvoting! ALL THE BEST! :)

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