How I Make It Up To My Friend After I Miss Her Birthday

in #friends6 years ago

Have you ever miss your best friend birthday; can you remember how awkward it felt? I remember when I miss my friend Anita birthday, Anita is my best friend, we grew up together and we both share so many happy and sad moment together, she Is more of a sister to me, we both go out often wearing the same cloth and often have same taste of many great things. Anita is a friend who stood by me during my happy and worst day, my pain felt like hers and we are both know around the community as two good friends who look like twins.

Fast forward to last two years November when I was preparing for my last exam in college, I was very occupied and I have less time to think about everything around me that sometimes I even forget that I have skip meals. I will wake up in the morning, take my bath and run down for tutorials, afternoon I have classes and then in the evening I have assignment to attend to and before I know it, its late in the night and before I even realize I have doze off.

My friend Anita is always complaining about not having time for her but most time I try to make her understand my work load and she seems not to buy the idea that I don't have few minutes to reach out to her in a day, she message me on November 14 to remind of her birthday which is on November 16, I told her how will I forget her day and immediately I started planning my gift and all, but I eventually forget her birthday due to my over busy day on her day and I didn't even have time to check my phone update, I totally forget Anita's birthday not until the next morning when I have to check my calendar and realize yesterday was my best friend birthday, I was so perplexed I taught Anita might never forgive me then I came up with nice ideas to make it up to her. Here are few ways in which I made Anita forgive me.

I Sent Her An Apology Message
Immediately I remember I have miss her birthday, I took it upon myself to apologies to her, I knew apology won't be enough but I knew I have to do it. I sent her an apology message even for the fact that I know Anita will ignore it but for the fact that I did she will know I don't mean to hurt her feelings.

I Send A Belated Birthday Messages
After sending her an apology message I immediately send her a nice happy belated messages. I took it upon myself to compose a nice belated message for my friend which will make her smile. In the message I told how much she means to me and how happy I feel to have her in my life.

I Brought Her, Her Favorite Cake:
Although yesterday was her birthday but I still try as hard as possible to get a nice cake which I know she will love so much. I made a home delivery cake for her with a lovely card attached to it. She was happy and pleased to receive it and immediately some part of her heart starts forgiving me.

I Plan A Surprise Date
Immediately after my exam I took it upon myself to arrange a special dinner for the both of us which made her very happy. I took her to the nice place she always loves to visit. She was very to see me care for her and she was much happy to know am making it up to her.

I Was Honest
I didn't try to lie to her about missing her day, I told her the whole true and made her understand such thing will never happen again. I told her how sad I feel to have miss her day and she was happy to know I did not try to cover up.


After sending her an apology message I immediately send her a nice happy belated messages. I took it upon myself to compose a nice belated message for my friend which will make her smile. In the message I told how much she means to me and how happy I feel to have her in my life.

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