Five Years and Counting- Celebrating Five Years with DepEd (Department of Education)

in #friends6 years ago (edited)

Hello guys, we have a single cake to hold with my friend colleagues when we dined out together in celebration of our anniversary when DepEd hired us.

We were a batch of ten installed in the same school. We never knew each other until we became close helping each other in our work-related struggles. Until the closeness reaches to know more even in our personal lives in which friendship extends to our family members.

We agreed to have a dinner as our celebration, we are not in the same shift, I'm in the morning from 6 A.M. to 3 P.M. and some in the afternoon from 10 A. M. to 7 P.M. The date was scheduled at 7:30 P.M. at Savory Restaurant, Tamiya, Lapu-lapu City. We will be using our funds whom they entrusted me to collect and keep 400 pesos monthly, intended
for our outside activities.

I was home to cook for my children when they texted me to buy a cake so I got one. I know the place but the exact place I don't know because of plenty restaurants around.


Finally, I found the dining place and they already started eating for they were hungry from work. I already had my dinner with kids, so my appetite was not working well.


A platter of Fried Shrimp and Squid, Pancit, Sisig, Soup and watermelon slices for 950 pesos. Imagine how hungry the group was when the platter looked like a newly-swept.


When a collegue texted that she was already in the parking lot but she arrived to have the empty platter, she smiled and said, amazing! We ordered again for a smaller platter for only 599 pesos and pasta.


It was indeed a great bonding because we can't be together in school to talk a lot. Aside from being not in the same shift, we are also busy doing our tasks in school and we just say hi in the corridor in transferring to other classroom.

Always counting our happy memories as colleagues, as close friends and also counting more years that we can make our learners smile.

*Til then, my best regards.



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