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RE: Blue gentian and blue dragonfly art

in #fridayskyblue5 years ago (edited)

They are so beautiful Melinda! I love the blue ones and the the blue Gentian. I don't think I saw that flower before. Stunning shots!

And guess what, today was my lucky day! Big dragonfly sat down and let me photographed her! I will post it tomorrow 😍


I spent hours in the gardens this week and never saw a single real dragonfly. I will be looking forward to seeing yours. Blue gentian are native wildflowers in our part of the world. When I was able to be out in the woods I would come across them occasionally. This one was planted in the botanical garden, but I was delighted to see it

It is a gorgeous flower, for sure Melinda! I love that soft blue color. But keep your eyes open for dragonflies! This is the time of year when it's easier to spot them. Especially in evening around 5 - 6pm.

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