Friday Devotional

in #friday5 years ago

Seeing that I have new subscribers I decided that it was time to review my spiritual journey and the goals I had for my channel.

In 2013 my mom passed after being sick for six months after getting shingles, pneumonia, and flu shot. Yeah! All at once then two days later she was sick. On March 16, 2013, she passed. On May 3, 2013, domestic violence ensued the relationship I was in for twelve years. There were two months between the first and second incident. The third was a month later. On September 8, 2013, was the final incident when he put a knife to my throat and let me know he'd kill me. That was it, I was done.

In 2014, I hit a point where I actually said out loud "there is no God". That is the point I hit. Looking back I realize that I was wrong. There is a God and His Holy Son. The son that died for our sins to be forgiven.

The goals I had for my channel was to wake up to the fact we have so much government intrusion in our lives. It's amazing to see it when you stop and realize you use a bank not because you want to, but you can't get social security benefits if you don't have a bank account or a preloaded card which you pay for the loading of. Insurance, there's a racket. We are forced to have home (or renters) insurance, car, and health. If you don't have those you can't have a house or an apartment, try to drive without insurance and see what happens, health insurance is required. We are the only developed country that doesn't provide insurance for the citizens. The education system sucks.

Here is the video.

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