Is 528 cycles per second the core creative frequency of Nature?

in #frequency2 years ago (edited)

528 Hz frequency has been determined to be nearly the precise center of the entire electromagnetic color spectrum.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz stated, "528 Hz will literally transform your DNA."

There is only ONE number in the entire numeric system whereby the electromagnetic color spectrum is the same as the sound system.

Is 528 cycles per second the core creative frequency of Nature?

Are we in dissonance to another frequency?
In the original music scale there was not just 6, but rather a total of 9 core creative frequencies to the universe.

So everything in the universe made from just 9 notes.
The first 6 are the solfeggio

Solfeggio frequencies make up the ancient 6-tone scale thought to have been used in sacred music, including the beautiful and well known Gregorian Chants. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart spiritual blessings when sung in harmony. Each Solfeggio tone is comprised of a frequency required to balance your energy and keep your body, mind and spirit in perfect harmony.

According to Professor Willi Apel, the origin of the ancient Solfeggio scale can be traced back to a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist. The hymn has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. Because the music held mathematic resonance, the original frequencies were capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more “god-kind”.

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The original Solfeggio scale was developed by a Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo (c. 991 AD – c. 1050 AD). It was used by singers to learn chants and songs more easily. Today we know the Solfeggio scale as seven ascending notes assigned to the syllables Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti. The original scale was six ascending notes assigned to Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La. The syllables for the scale were taken from a hymn to St. John the Baptist, Ut Queant Laxis, written by Paulus Diaconus.

In the mid-1970’s Dr. Joseph Puleo, a physician and America’s leading herbalist, found six electro-magnetic sound frequencies that corresponded to the syllables from the hymn to St. John the Baptist.

How were the frequencies discovered?
According to the documentation provided in “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse“, Dr. Joseph Puleo was introduced, through an open vision, to the Pythagorean method of numeral reduction. Using this method, he discovered the pattern of six repeating codes in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83.

Dr. Joseph Puleo found repetitions of a single issue or subject in the Book of Numbers. In Chapter 7, verse 12 he found a reference to the first day, the second day was mentioned in verse 18, the third day in verse 24, and so forth until the final reference in verse 78 which is speaking of the twelfth day.

The Pythagorean reduction of these verse numbers is:

Verse 12 = 1 + 2 = 3Verse 18 = 1 + 8 = 9Verse 24 = 2 + 4 = 6 Verse 30 = 3 + 0 = 3Verse 36 = 3 + 6 = 9Verse 42 = 4 + 2 = 6 …until verse 78
Do you see the repetition of 396? This is the first frequency.

He found the next frequency by looking at verse 13, which is speaking of an offering. Six verses down, which is verse 19, the same offering or idea is repeated, six verses down at verse 25 there is another repeat, etc. Thus, by using the Pythagorean method of reduction, again he discovered a pattern. This pattern is 417. It is the second frequency. The rest of the frequencies were found using the same method.

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In other words, so people could live together in peace and communicate in harmony about the miracle in their lives, and how God blessed them to produce this “magic”, people’s true unpolluted spiritual natures required revelation. The above text seems to suggest that Solfeggio notes open up a channel of communication with the Divine.

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The Solfeggio frequencies were lost because throughout history different tuning applications have been used. Ancient tuning practices used a system of tuning known as “Just Intonation.” The method of Just Intonation featured pure intervals between every note that were mathematically related by ratios of small whole numbers leading to a much purer sound.

The tuning practice adopted for western cultures from about the 16th century and used today is known as “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament”. According to Joachim Ernst-Berendt, the 12-Tone Equal Temperament mistunes all consonant intervals except the octave. Our modern scale can create situations such ‘boxed-in’ thinking, stuffed and suppressed emotions, fear-based or lack consciousness, all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms called ‘dis-ease’ or disease.

Our modern day musical scale is out of sync when compared with the original Solfeggio scale. If we want to bring harmony in our lives, we need to replace the dissonant western scale with a web of subtle and clear intervallic relationships of the Solfeggio music. Let the music become once again a tool to raise human nature and a method to connect you with the Source.

Nikola Tesla, the great genius and father of electromagnetic engineering, had once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the universe”. The 3, 6, and 9 are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies.

Albert Einstein stated: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” All matter beings vibrate at specific rates and everything has its own melody. The musical nature of nuclear matter from atoms to galaxies is now finally being recognized by science.

That is why these frequencies are so powerful. They can literally bring you back to the original tones of the heavenly spheres and put your body into a balanced resonance. Solfeggio music is the key to the Universe. You can either throw it away or you can use it to find healing and harmony, health and well-being. Just play the music!

Perfect Circle of Sound

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The miracle note from the original Solfeggio scale.

The 741 which is part of nature, is that the Devil's Interval in musicology?

Well, let's check it out.

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Text to Dr. Bryan Ardis dated 12.1.2021
didn't see until 12.8.2021

"Hey Doc,
If you got bit by a rattlesnake would you go to a hospital and get antivenom?"

Bryan had already seen this doctor a week earlier and felt he didn't need to respond as the text had come a week before.

Was he inspired God to send Bryan that text?

Was there a knowing it would light up a fire inside to go research and get information out?

In the last two years their conversation as doctors had only revolved around Covid and this had nothing to do with covid so initially Bryan wondered why he asked him that in person.

He had to know Bryan would say yes, so he had to figure out Why he would ask him that.

Bryan said he first had to figure out what anti venom is.
Are people aware antivenom is actually monoclonal antibodies?

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Monoclonal antibodies and polyclonal antibodies are derived from venom taken from snakes and inject it into a horse, sheep or cow.

It's usually horses as horses won't die from the snake bite, then as the horses body which has an amazing immune system produces antibodies against the venom.

They later draw blood from the horse and extract the antibodies. It's stored in ER centers around the world to use as antivenom for snake bites.

If these are antibodies the monoclonal. . .then Dr. Bryan started questioning,
"Is it true the FDA, CDC and NIH have been supportive of doctors using monoclonal antibodies against covid19?"

The answer is NO.

Dr. Bryan states, "In fact they are so anti against monoclonal antibodies, that on January 21, 2022 they banned all use of monoclonal antibodies around this entire country and all US Territories."

So what's up with that do you suppose?

Dr. Bryan remembers thinking, it doesn't matter what the FDA, medical association and all of these other entities say, whatever they keep saying about Covid to use and trust or Not to use and distrust. . .if it works against Covid19 they consistently tell you Not to Use it. Why is that do you suppose?

If it's dangerous, deadly and unproven, they continue to tell you to use it.

As has been seen with many of our own two eyes and ears in trying to get help for loved ones concerning how a proven deadly protocol of Remdesivir.

I had an ER doc tell me my mother's life would be on my hands if we did not have her take the Remdesivir shot.

I stood my ground and my mother did to thank God.

Even though I asked this prevalent ER doc if those predisposed to kidney disease were at risk.

He hem hawed around couldn't deny they were at risk, but said he felt the benefits of this shot outweighed the known risks.

I didn't fall for it even though he was a greatly admired ER doc and researcher.

I also was well informed from my own research years prior that these hospitals receive grants and funding if they push certain protocols on people.

I felt he just wasn't admitting to himself that it wasn't worth the risk due to the high dollar sign he would get to further his research as he also wore a hat for the hospital as someone who researched and garnered more funding.

They tried to wear my mom down and he even told me he would be back later in the ER room, but they wouldn't let me stay past a certain time.

He was shocked when I had managed to stay there far beyond their "normal visiting hours." When he came back in he tried again and I showed him an article concerning Remdesivir that had made it to MSM.

He of course poopooed it, which I found interesting because docs like him before poopooed independent news articles and would state, "I don't trust that, it's not a known or mainstream source." Then all of a sudden when their corporate owned media is no longer backing them. . .they can't be trusted either.

See how that works?

This was one of the articles I showed him,

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