Sentences in French (0003)

in #french6 years ago (edited)

S'il est intact, on pourrait y trouver un émetteur-récepteur, on pourrait envoyer un signal et aider les secours à nous trouver.

s'il is a combination of si + il. si means 'if' in English. 'il' means 'it'. In French the pronoun 'it' is either feminine or masculine based on the object noun, it is too either feminine or masculine. This gender has nothing to do with biological gender unless it is about people.

est means 'to be'. est is a conjugation of être which is the infinitive mode of the verb 'to be' in French, être. Third person singular present indicative of être is est. These are present indicative of être:

je suis
tu es
il/elle est
nous sommes
vous êtes
ils/elles sont

All mean 'to be' as in English am/is/are.

'intact' means as in English 'intact'. Pronunciation is French, /ɛ̃.takt/ .

'on' means 'we'.

'pourrait' means 'to be able to'. It works as 'can' do in English. These are the present indicative of pouvoir:
je peux
tu peux
il/elle peut
nous pouvons
vous pouvez
ils/elles peuvent

These are the conditional indicative of pouvoir:
je pourrais
tu pourrais
il/elle pourrait
nous pourrions
vous pourriez
ils/elles pourraient

trouver means 'to find'.

émetteur-récepteur means a 'transceiver'. A transceiver is a radio transmitter and receiver both.

y means 'there'.

In total, the part of the sentence until this point means 'If it's intact, we might be able to find the transceiver there.'


envoyer means 'to send'.

signal means 'signal'

et means 'and'.

aider means 'to help'

les secours means 'aid, assistance'.

nous means 'us'.

In total, the second part of the sentence means:
We could send out a signal, help the rescue party find us.

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