The Dawning - Poetry Freewrite

The Dawning

In caves, upon islands
and remote
Corners of earth dwell fighters
Lovers and survivors.
The world knows not this depth of heart.
The strength, courage and faith
These souls must summon
Just to survive.
When food is scarce,
When none come to rescue
Resilience must prevail.
Through endless days,
And perilous nights
When wolves lay by the door
Panting for blood.
And no relief is in sight.
When wounds and illness prey
On weak and hungry spirits,
The smallest of hope
Must whisper,
Try, try again.
A new day dawns tomorrow.

**This is my five minute freewrite prompt: remote. I slept away a severe migraine all evening yesterday and didn't get to write, but the prompt spoke to me.
Tuesday's freewrite link:

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

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I just love your poems. This one was needed today. Now, I will look for a new sunrise. Thanks!

I'm here with the Thursday prompt.

Day 349: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: running in place

Thank you, I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Hugs.

Beautiful! The depth of heart, the wolf panting at the door, and that thing called hope -
When wounds and illness prey
On weak and hungry spirits,
The smallest of hope
Must whisper,
Try, try again.

I love it! (Is @geekorner, @thundergod, still around?)

Thank you very much!

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I love this poem, @wandrnrose7! It speaks volumes to me! Hope the migraines improve...

Thank you @cecicastor. This weekend seemed better but for very low energy. I'm happy this poem resonates with you. hugs. Please update us soon.

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