My Unending Rough Patch

in #freewritepoetry5 years ago


I've kept his glasses -
several pairs of them -
to hold on my own face
and see through his eyes

that time we both bought the same style
without knowing
the other had done it
we were estranged
but boy oh boy were we ever not

together in this lifetime
together no doubt in the next
any photograph brings him back to life
and my anger at him with it

if he wanted to stay married to me
he should have tried kindness

The image, taken by me, is a detail from a portrait of myself by Lydia Viscardi
Thank you very much for reading my late night lament that my husband and I had grown so very far apart.
It is neither an entry to a contest, nor an attempt to wow curators. It is simply what popped out tonight, ten years after the end of a 27 year marriage.


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This is great. So much said in so few words. Do photographs really rekindle your anger or do you simply remember how angry you were at the time? I find it difficult to stay angry for more than 5 minutes. I blow my top, throw a few things and then I'm done.

I don't blow or throw anything. I'm more of a long term seether.
Yeah I am still very angry at him for how he treated me as he was dying, and our three children too. A dying man's last wishes can play some horrible tricks. My eldest went to a psychic who channeled him and he said something to her like "your mom is doing the best she can". My daughter thought of the statement as a compliment to me. But it enraged me (even dead he can piss me off) because it implies I am failing in some way. I am most definitely finding it difficult to forgive him for being so unkind to me those last few years. I suppose this is one of life's lessons I have yet to learn, forgiveness. Blech.

I can understand what you are going through.
We may forgive and yet we never forget.
The pain is always there and will remain so till the ends of time.
We just have to move on and pray that in the next life it would be better.


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sorry to hear that... It helps to write about it of course as you know ...

It's life. Would I change some things? Yes, I would have been more honest about my unhappinesses earlier in my marriage when we were still both committed to it. Once one is out, it's over, no going back. Falling out of a marriage is as easy as falling in love.

Beautiful! I Love writing with a meaning! Nice job

Posted using Partiko iOS

Forgive and forget, maybe that is the best way to move on.

Some nice sentiments in your words, but also some regret. It sounds like he has passed on. Is that the case? I think your writing these thoughts down is probably good therapy. It's a good read too!

Part of the healing process is letting go of the anger. Anger is like chains that will keep you from moving on. You can never be truly free unless you let go of it. Channel your energy around the people who loves you. I learned to let go of my anger and I felt peace. Life is too short to stay angry, live life and love life.

Very nice poetry. Pretty good for expressing feelings 😊😊

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Thanks for share your thoughts

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