
I did make it, thank you. 😊 Don't worry too much about the line – I want to stay as close to it as I can this month, but I know if I fall behind at times, it's not the end of the world. I keep coming back to some advice I received before #NaNoWriMo began: "any writing you do get done this month is important. If you write any words at all, you're propelling your story forward –further than it would have gone if you'd never even attempted to do this – and that is the most important thing." ❤️ Look after yourself first and foremost, Marianne.

Thank you! Preaching back to me what I tell others LOL But you know how it is... I will finish - or not. And I love to have written as much as I have at this point...

It's always hard to follow our own advice. 😂 I know that well! You are doing brilliantly to have come this far - never doubt that.

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