
Yay. Day 19!!

And, yay, word count 35,000+ -- the end is in sight!!!
I will have to skip the soggy middle of mine and just come back to it later. My word count is almost as embarrassing as the slow pace. Maybe I read too much Austen, Dumas, Henry James, and Dostoevsky in recent weeks. So far, I have nothing like this:
Katéa raised the crossbow, aimed for the yellow eye that glared down at her, and pulled the lever. The beast fell with a crash that rumbled across the stone.
Bring on the beasts, the villains, the perils!

Most of my writing has a distinct lack of peril. It's just people talking, going about their lives, and having everything handed to them with an unlikely ease. This is good practice! :D

The soggy middle.....................

Slowly pushing myself through it. Grateful that the end is in sight and I can finally unleash my emotional turbulence. There are a lot of discrepancies and things that need to be fixed, rearranged, and added. But I figure as long as I have the basic ideas there, then it won't seem so "tacked on" and out of place when I revise and refine.

Maybe even just a page of note-holders, where you can jot down little ideas of what could happen in the middle? :)

(I was near expecting that dark shadow looming in your doorway, before the reveal, to be some form of law enforcement! "Herr Doktor, we have found you; you are coming with us.")

"Herr Doktor, we have found you; you are coming with us." - wow! You gave me chills! Why am I such a spineless wimp, I cannot put my protagonist up a tree and shoot at him? Torture the protagonist is Job #1 for writers, and it's what I'm worst at. You at least have giant spiders and beasties and mysteries galore. I haven't seen your previous writing, but you nail it this time around! Quint alone is a source of peril, and not just for pixies. ;) Go go go!

There were a couple of bits that made me laugh and my youngest (who was in the room at the time) demanded I tell him what was going on. Ended up summarising the chapter for him, he was pretty interested XD

I was kind of amused by Kat's reaction to the beastie stopping though, surprised she didn't panic and shoot it in the face first and ask questions later XD

How old's your youngest? :)

One day my 5yr-old will be old enough to read my writing, and I can see the face-palms now. "Seriously, this is why she kept staring at the computer?"

I like to think Kat was in superhero mode from too much mead. :D I remember those days. Fall down the stairs and don't even realise you've sprained your ankle til you wake up the next day.

So much going on in this winter wonderland - I love it! And this!
A shadow loomed in the doorway, darker than the darkness. Everything seemed so slow… maybe the pixie dust had been a bad idea. Too late for regrets now. People rose from their chairs, pixies spilled out into the parlour, mugs fell to the ground, and tables were up-ended. She kept on backing out, and stopped as Draven’s hunting supplies cabinet wedged up against her. Now, there was an idea! A crazy one, but an idea all the same.
She whipped it open and....

You know how to keep the reader on edge!

the old otaku in me couldn't help but picture Katéa as a Super Saiyan... references apart, this should let the dark forces know that it won't be any easy task to defeat the heroes.

Katéa! Kamehameha!

The dark forces get stronger every day! They must be dealt with, soon. :)

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