Day 9 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest - Monkey's Wedding!

The Wedding


My parents got married when I was only two years old, I loved them more than a young puppy like me could ever ask for. They held me when I was sick, fed me bananas, and picked fake bugs from my coat.

As far as monkeys go they were wealthy beyond the normal monkey and the wedding was planned for at least a year in advance. It was a pedigree thing they said, but I really didn't know what pedigree meant, I was after all only a puppy.

My mommy loved me beyond words and only wanted me as a baby, at least that's what she murmured in monkey talk. Papa was always taking me on runs through the forest and protecting me from other monkeys that wanted to throw me like a coconut.

When it was time for the monkey wedding, they dressed me up in a fancy outfit and all three of us posed for a portrait. It was really uncomfortable but it had to be done. I was given plenty of treats for the inconvenience. We have that painting hanging on our ballroom wall as a reminder that a monkey's wedding is a serious affair.

This is where my five minute timer ended ...



Very imaginative having the money as narrator. Well done.

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Excellent post!

thanks, i appreciate it!

I like it! That's quite long for 5 minutes. I'm a perfectionist with my writing so it takes a couple minutes for me to organize my thoughts before starting. But you got it out very well. Good job :)

i've actually seen quite a bit more on others, which you know they went beyond five minutes. i stick to the 5 minute timer myself. i don't feel i get much out really. i can keep going on and on if my imagination really takes off. oh well, alas 5 min is 5 min and thank you!! :)

Writing exercises are great to get the creative juices flowing, I do random writing exercises too often and it helps me to reduce the perfectionist tendences that I have lol. I have trouble stopping when I get started too so I totally understand

yes they are, very much so. yeah i'm good with the 5 minutes, and no cheating. :)

Such a great story with a strange prompt of the day and I LOVE your photo. You are so creative. 😍

aww thank you so much and IT was strange right!!?? ahahahaha
you are so nice, i really appreciate that so much.

This post has received a 0.82 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @eaglespirit.

This is priceless and so adorable! I love the pedigree comment and the runs through the forest! You write amazing freewrites.

awww thank you so very much!! sometimes i feel as if i write to plainly and boring ... its words like yours that encourage me to continue. thank you so much! :)

jajajajajajaja. este post me dio mucha risa, gracias por publicar este contenido, mucha suerte para ti.

Muchas gracias señor, ¡fue un trabajo duro!
Realmente aprecio tu amable apoyo, pero sobre todo puedo hacerte reír. Aprecio la suerte también! Que tengas una gran noche, amigo.

That was cute! Dog gone those timers! Haha

thanks so much!! it was a tough one!!

A monkey wedding is a serious affair!!!

buahahhaha why you teasin’ 😛

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