Newblood - A fantasy novel for NaNoWriMo 2018; CHAPTER- 5: Tracked

in #freewritehouse6 years ago

Previous chapters: Prologue; 1; 2; 3; 4


Before he got ready to leave Shamarank Inal Yillend had taken the time to write his report to the General and handed the sealed cover to his apprentice to deliver it to the General himself and wait for his reply. He should return to Harden City, even if he got no response from the General but the acknowledgement of receiving the report. Inal would either wait for him there or leave instructions for him.

He had let his men go ahead of him after making them witness the brutality he was capable of, this was his method- tried and tested. Inal had carefully built up "THE BUTCHER" persona over the years to make his work easier and his subordinates loyal and hard working. Now he was adept at playing to the fears of the people he came in contact with, elf and human alike. So he was expecting some news about the fugitives when he rode out of the Western gate. And he did not have to wait long. Less than half an hour later he received the news that the fugitives were three not two and that they had proceeded west along the main road.

The captain in charge had sent a team of four to Harpair to confirm and track their movements but himself with the balance twelve soldiers was proceeding to Asarac in the hope of catching up with the fugitives. The Butcher turned to his retinue "Give him water and a new horse and provisions so he can eat while riding." Then he replied to the messenger. "We will go to Harpair and stay there for the night, ask the captain to report to me there by noon tomorrow."

At noon the next day the captain reported that the fugitives had not been to Asarac at all, they could have crossed the marshes bypassing Harpair and taken a boat to the edge of the Wilds to travel north past Harden or they could have taken to riding through farmland. The butcher dealt with this set back with customary efficiency, he burnt his mark into the captains forearm, a reminder of his commitment to the Kingdom. He addressed the soldiers, promising rewards and hinting at punishment. Then he split his team into two each having ten members, the messenger he sent to the governor of Harden with the description of the fugitives. One team would be led by the captain would follow the coast via the marshes and turn back inland skirting the Green river delta and march to Harden. The butcher would lead the second team via the farm lands to Harden.


The terrain had changed since they had left the main road. The path rose at a steady incline, winding around hills and between giant boulders. Pine trees could be now seen towering over the landscape. And the horizon was limited by hills rising, one behind the other. Shrubs and greenery crowded every patch of land that was not rock face, often the path narrowed due to bushes in bloom on both sides. Pinnet always gave way for the carts loaded with lumber which all headed downhill towards Harden. They passed a few side roads which Pinnet informed Mahon would be leading to the lumber mills on the Green River which operated only four months of the year- when the river was swollen with ice melt and would power the mills and carry the timber down river till the bridge into the city.

In the early afternoon they reached the top of the hill they were climbing. There was a huge boulder on the left obscuring all view and the right side was a forest green and vibrant with life. The road turned left around the rock, widened and flattened out, Pinnet called for a halt, Mahon could make out a chimney jutting out, grey smoke curling away from its's mouth- Ashvale Mahon thought. It was early evening and there was no traffic on the road. Pinnet led his horse on foot and motioned for Mahon to follow similarly. They entered the forest, after a few minutes of searching Pinnet found what seemed a dirt path meandering through the forest. Mahon asked. "We are not going to Ashvale?"
Pinnet replied. "This is Ashvale." Mahon could not think of what to ask next. Pinnet had never said that they would be going to the town. He decided to stay silent and let Pinnet explain when he chose to.

They were still on the dirt path when the sun set. Now the forest sounded different, hundreds of buzzing insects seemed to come alive. Mahon had never been inside a wild forest, and that too at night. He involuntarily walked as close to Pinnet as possible while leading horses, he started at grunting sounds near by in the underbrush and with huge insects landing on his hand. But somehow he managed to remain silent. Eventually they stepped out into a clearing. It was an oval, the grass shining silver in the moonlight and rocks and shrubs casting dark shadows. Where they had emerged, to their left was a broken wall and a well. Pinnet handed him the reins and asked Mahon to tie up the horses by the broken wall, they would camp here for the night.

The broken wall turned out to be a part of the building, the only part left standing. Mahon could see blocks of hewn rock jutting out amid the thick grass. Mahon stacked their saddles bags and bedrolls on a flat portion of the foundation still much devoid of grass. By the time he had rubbed down the horses Pinnet had a fire going inside a small circle of rocks. He had drawn water from the well and kept some to boil. They drank cocoa and chewed on the dry strips of meat charred a little over the fire. Finally Pinnet said. "The mage we are going to meet is dead to the world. His presence here is a closely guarded secret. That is why I sent Sardy away. The less people know about this place the better. The forest we came through is not only a physical hurdle but also a magical boundary. People who are not recognized by the magic will find it very difficult to reach this meadow even if they look for it."

"Who is this mage?" Mahon asked.

"Tomorrow you will meet him, let him tell you his story. I know him as one of your father's friends. Zarafar's"

"What about Aasia?"

Pinnet frowned. " This is the only way I can think you will be able to trace her. She has gone to the Aghuir mountains."

Mahon sat up stunned a feeling of cold dread coiled in his stomach. Aghuir mountains were across the Wilds. It was said that what the Wilds did not kill the Aghauris ate. He could not imagine a girl alone surviving in the Wilds for long and Aasia had been gone for more than three weeks now. Pinnet held his shoulder and said. "She is not dead, I would know."

That night Mahon's mind was going through different explanations- all plausible but without any proof- of how Aasia could have survived. He was surprised at the strong emotion the danger to Aasia's life evoked in him. His heart ached to meet his twin to give her support and hug her and tell her that he was here for her. He was family.

Before sunrise they had left the meadow and taken up another path. The forest was not so thick and the land was level, it was a plateau Mahon realized. They were headed towards a small hill of red sandstone jutting out of the forest. As they neared the hill Mahon saw that the hill was smooth rock, no rocks or shrubs dotted it's slopes. It took them half a day to reach the hill where they skirted the base to come to a cavern. Here Pinnet got down from his horse and walked in, asking Mahon to wait for a few minutes. Mahon tied the horses to a nearby tree and sat down near the mouth of the cavern under the overhang.

Mahon was looking at the horses and the surrounding forest, he was facing away from the entrance. He felt an elf approaching from inside the cavern. Lord Mahon thought Pinnet is inside. He ran to the horses and took out his dagger put it in his belt and then from Pinnet's saddle he untied the cross bow and loaded a bolt. With the cross bow pointed in front he stepped towards the cavern still aware of the Elf's approach. He stepped inside the cavern and sudden darkness engulfed him. Fear and confusion welled up in his mind, the darkness was complete. In whatever direction he stepped he could not touch the cavern wall. Surely the cavern was not so big.

"Mahon put the cross bow on the ground." Pinnet's voice came from the darkness. "Pinnet, you are OK" Mahon replied trying to locate Pinnet but only seeing darkness.

"Put down the cross bow so we can approach." Mahon reluctantly placed the cross bow near his feet and stood still. Slowly a grayness built up dispelling the dark, then like smoke clearing away he could see Pinnet waiting beside an Elf.


Hello @sarez, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you! @ creativecrypto This means a lot. This is my first full length novel, your encouragement will keep me going.

Keep Steemin!

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